Hey guys and gals, my paddle broke at the end of the shaft! Is this able to be fixed? Appreciate any feedback.
I hate throwing stuff out......yes a new blade is the simplest......but if the old blade was put on with hot glue it may be possible to remove the end of the shaft that is imbedded in the blade. Even if it came out in pieces could be done. If it is epoxied in probably you will destroy the blade getting the old shaft out.....but still, perhaps not impossible ....just very difficult. Finally if there is enough of the old shaft still embedded it could be repaired. Need a 5 inch segment of carbon shaft, cut a slot in it length wise so that when compressed will slide inside the shaft and the end of the shaft in the blade. Take apart epoxy, put back together and it will be a bit heavier but solid. Remember to cut the ends of the inner sleeve at an angle to reduce a circumferential stress point.
I had a similar issue with my Quickblade Trifecta. The paddle blade broke at the end of the shaft. This appears to be a weak point, but Quickblade refused to accept it as a defect and suggested I must have damaged the paddle at the location of the break. It seems a little coincidental that the failure occurred exactly at the end of the shaft's insertion point into the blade where the two are bonded. Has anyone else had this occur? I paddle in a variety of conditions including extreme downwinders and reliability is very important. I have another Trifecta, but now worry about the quality. Could a new blade be put on then wrapped with carbon to improve this apparent weakness? I'm considering switching brands due to the lack of support. Any word on the Black Project paddles durability? Werner, KeNalu or others?
inner shaft ,with a carbon wrap around ,cloth and resin ...it won't be the same but good for a spare .
I also hate just throwing things away....but by the time you calculate the time and money running around fixing this and there are no real guarantees that it will work or perform the same, it might be best just to replace.
Did actually snap my nalu x tuff shaft a few months back......but that after about 7 years of use......and 2 or 3 blade replacements. They be strong
Thanks for the input - Quickblade can supply me a new blade for a fee. Seems to be the best route. Cheers.