G'day Breezes I'm doing a Brunswick Heads 2 Currumbin Alley Downwind paddle this Saturday, conditions are looking so good, start from around 9:00AM. Wind-guru is purple www.windguru.cz/208694 It will take between 4 hours 15 minutes to 5 hours 30 minutes depending on conditions. If anybody wants to join me. You will need your own support boat as it's a raw coastline and your about one to one 1/2 k's of the coast.
I'll be going anyway I have a few mate who are keen to dive my Jet-Ski plus I have a few guys I pay as well to drive my Jet-Ski.
I wouldn't risk paddling a Brunswick 2 Alley paddle without a support boat (unless you're a Masochist) as you see some big fish out there now and then, plus last year when I went I got halfway and the wind turned NE, WTF so I jumped on the back of the Jet-Ski and got a lift back to the Alley. Yes the weather patterns have changed over the last 4 years is it El Ni?o or La Ni?a as we have been getting a lot more NE winds and Easterly swell on the Gold Coast than ever before it use to be predominate SE winds with South swells great for constant Downwind paddles. Don't get me wrong I love Easterly swells because I'm a surfer.
Brunswick 2 the Alley run s great training if you're going to Maui to do the Pai'lolo channel M2M 43km or the Ka'iwi channel M20 52km
How I would describe Brunswick 2 Alley run, (I'll break it down) going out through the bar at Brunswick is quit challenging on the back of a Jet-Ski if the swell is 3-6ft while holding a 17'6'' Bullet (scary "Help Me Please Mr Wizard") from Brunswick 2 Hastings is bulk fun (mini Maliko) if the wind is SSW - SE, from Hastings 2 Cabarita the swell goes a bit funny you'll need a S-SE wind. 2km past Cabarita you're halfway "stoked," from Cabarita 2 Cudgen reef is bulk fun if the wind is SSE, going through Cudgen reef can get very sketchy, from Cudgen reek 2 Kingscliff is bulk fun if the wind is S-SE, about 2km from Cook Island conditions become brutal with a lot of different currents all colliding together but it give you that Ka'iwi channel effect, from Cook Island to D-Bar the swell goes small, from Snapper Rocks to Currumbin Alley is bulk fun if the wind is ESE.
This was from a few years back
Enjoy mate. Massive paddle! You have good friends keen to JetSki for 5 hours with you.
Hopefully get a Moreton bay run in up here before you go overseas also.
Conditions have been to hit and miss lately
Conditions are looking very good.
Got to be careful with Jetskis in Brunswick Heads though. Brunswick to Lennox is a NO PWC zone. (Especially Brunswick River) If you don't get done by the Harbours and Marine guys, there's locals with nothing better to do who'll dob you in.
ive only been dw ing for 6 years and its seems more east swells each year.
it dw time in qld but it just hasn't gone that way much yet . last weekend was ok.
sometimes it very frustrating- all the gear and training and no where to go
tweed is one place where a unlimited is awesome. kingie to cook island can go off. cranking wind and swell heading in one direction