Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Building a board, need some advice

Created by BoofHead65 > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2012
QLD, 52 posts
7 Nov 2012 5:32PM
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Hi All,
I am after some info and advice regarding displacement hull SUP's.
I have just about finished my latest project, a 20' timber surfski, and am thinking about my next project. A SUP seems perfect.

I have purchased some plans for a CLC Kaholo 14 which look fairly straight forward but I also want to design and build my own (strips rather than ply). I have roughed out a design using KayakFoundary software based on images of the web and need to start fine tuning the dimensions and geometry. This is where I need some guidance. Based on the info below, what sort of board should I be looking at? ie length, beam, thickness, volume.
Any advantages between flat tail, pintail?

info about me is as follows;

95kg, 6'3'. wrong side of 40's.
Strong ocean racing ski paddler. Compete in downwind races occasionally.
Don't surf, have not used a SUP, but have decent balance (lifetime of snow skiing).

Interested in open ocean and downwind paddling. Although I haven't done any yet.

Given that I will have a Kaholo 14, should I consider designing a longer board eg 16ft? Downwind paddling would most likely be in Moreton Bay, short frequency wind waves rather than longer frequency groundswell.

What commercial boards are out there that would suit me and the type of paddling I'm interested in?

Any info, advice, guidance appreciated. I will cobble the design together and post to see what people think.

Cheers, Craig

QLD, 418 posts
7 Nov 2012 7:59PM
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Good luck with your build and looking forward to seeing pictures. I built the Kaholo 14', very stable and quite fast, but its hard not to make it too heavy ( mine is 20kg). Epoxy is heavy! If I built another based on Kaholo, it would be about 25" not the 28-29" of kit, a pulled in tail at half the width and probably deeper sides , but with a recessed standing deck.
Lots of build info here.

14' is a good length for most races and down winding, longer is a hassle to store and put onto cars but longer is generally faster also. Flat tail is more stable, pintail generally faster. Try as many as you can and steal ideas for your build.

QLD, 52 posts
7 Nov 2012 10:46PM
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Thanks for reply.
Have seriously thought about pulling kaholo tail in for no other reason than aesthetics. Hadn't considered reducing beam but will now. I also like the idea of a recessed deck. I raised the sheer line on my pax20 surfski easy enough

16 ft isn't an issue storage and transport wise. My longest ski is 21'?

Good link. Have already picked up sometips.


NSW, 1262 posts
8 Nov 2012 12:06PM
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Hey Boof, how's it going

This is my board that I built for flat water

I too wanted a sunken deck to get my weight down low but have found that the curve in the deck it too excessive. It's about to undergo surgery in the standing area to drop the sides of the cockpit more level with the middle to give a more comfortable paddling stance. This board also ended up at just under 20Kg's but is a couple of feet longer. I achieved this by not glassing any of the ply so longevity might suffer but I only wanted to try out some ideas, not make it last forever.

WA, 441 posts
8 Nov 2012 10:03AM
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Hey Boofhead,

Would luv to see a few photos of your surfski. I built a strip plank outrigger a few years ago, great fun to build. You might want to do your design in AKU shapper a 3d surfboard design program, its a few download and is good for playing around with designs.

I have also buit a few Hollow timber surfboards over the years the largest been a 12'6" pinnie so I think it would be fine to build a Hollow timber SUP. I attached a copy of a 14 footer I part designed last year. Dont seem to have the time to build it... would reduce nose rocker now and put more of a ski nose on it

QLD, 52 posts
8 Nov 2012 1:14PM
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G'Day Jethrow,
that board looks great. I love the way you have pushed the boundaries by torturing. Must add heaps more strength. I don't know a lot about SUP's at this stage but I definitely appreciate the craftsmanship.

G'Day Shunter,
I don't have any finished shots yet as i'm waiting until I varnish. There are some progress pics on youtube. Search for BoofHead65. It curently weighs in at just under 16kgs without varnish. My first kayak weighed in at 26kg's. Ouch. I'm guesstimating that 15kg's for a stripped paulownia SUP is achievable. Have picked up a few weight saving techniques along the way.

I am very familiar with KayakFoundary, so have been playing around with a design using that software. This bloke has already built one using KF

a few of the blokes at work build hollow timber surfboards and they look great. one of them has started playing around with some surfboard design software, maybe its the one you are reccomending.

WA, 441 posts
8 Nov 2012 1:00PM
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16kgs is a respectable weight, my 19 foot glass and honeycomb ski weighs 14.5. well done. I have a look at your pictures. cheers


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Building a board, need some advice" started by BoofHead65