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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Coreban Fusion Review

Created by Stuey > 9 months ago, 25 May 2010
VIC, 48 posts
25 May 2010 1:14PM
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Hey folks first post so be gentle.

I had a ride of the 9' Coreban Fusion on Saturday down at Gunna, here is my little overview.

My profile: Coming from the 9'6" Naish as my point of comparison, 85-90kg rider trying to look good in the surf.

Personally on first viewing the Coreban shape didn't look to be that radical, thickish tail pretty chunky. The board looked good but nothing awesome. Yesterday got the Coreban 9' out in the surf probably about 4ft a bit messy at times but all round good fun size.

First few waves I had to get my bearing riding the new board how it took off, rode etc. but first surprise I was paddling around on a 9' board no sinking and plenty of stability which i thought was great. Well first proper wave took off, put the rail in and bloody hell the thing ripped around carrying a huge amount of speed straight into a big lip smack, compared to the Naish the Coreban carried a bit more speed and took a nice tight line, from this point on the session was all smiles. Few waves down the track had the board cutting back beautifully and was feeling like a pro, think the board was helping a bit.

So after a day on the Coreban I would have to say I am a convert, the board just carries a heap of speed, turns great AND carries my fat ass around. Also looking down at the nose on first glance was a bit tentative heading toward a serious bit of white water, doesn't look to kick up like the Naish or PSH boards i have ridden, but paddling over 4ft set wave just pops straight over the top no worries. The nose pops over anything and gives you heaps of confidence heading out through the white water and also on a steep drop.

All and all i found the Coreban 9' Fusion an really great ride, makes life easy while waiting out the back and then rips all the way home.

As mentioned SHQ has the board on demo (the one I rode) give it a go, plenty of float for a bigger guy without sacrificing performance.

WA, 150 posts
25 May 2010 10:51PM
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Any one in WA got a 9' Fusion & what do you reckon. Hi Stuey do you own the board or just demoed it, we are similar weight Im 84 kg. I heard there are a few in WA, it would be good to here others opinions.

WA, 7478 posts
25 May 2010 11:17PM
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col303 said...

Any one in WA got a 9' Fusion & what do you reckon. Hi Stuey do you own the board or just demoed it, we are similar weight Im 84 kg. I heard there are a few in WA, it would be good to here others opinions.

West oz kite have them call Jason on 0411 510 514

26 posts
26 May 2010 7:42AM
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What's the weight of that board compared to a Naish? are they lighter?

VIC, 3516 posts
26 May 2010 10:00AM
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Hey Stuey,

Firstly welcome to the breeze.

Thanks for posting great to hear a review on one of the new boards

Once you get it fully dailled would be great to get an update


VIC, 17513 posts
26 May 2010 10:04AM
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SwellSC said...

What's the weight of that board compared to a Naish? are they lighter?

I think they felt about the same.


VIC, 48 posts
26 May 2010 10:32AM
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Weight wise i think the glass version would be similar to that of PSH and Naish, on the water definitely didn't feel heavy, on the wave it was just fast. But they have the pure series coming to which are a wood veneer which will be on par with the lighter boards on the market. And Col for your weight (similar to mine) the fusions are great they felt really loose (with the thruster set up I used) and had plenty of float and really nice volume distribution.

Yeh I personally don't own one yet, but soon probably get one on the next shipment into SHQ, as the fusion on demo is the only one that came in.

Keen to get back out and try the board with a few different fins combos, I will be getting a set of the GL Future fins, and then can try it as a retro twin style set up as well.

WA, 150 posts
27 May 2010 7:16PM
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Hey thanks Stuey for the comments, I have got it on the agenda ASAP sound great.

WA, 150 posts
27 May 2010 8:57PM
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Thanks Hilly, I saw one at Jasons on the weekend looks good, I'd love to have given it a go but I just was there to pick up the Coreban 11'6" woody I ordered a little while ago. Classic looking board but I put it to work the last few days and I'm very happy with its performance nailed some good head high down the line wave rides. Carves well for a big board, once I found the back foot pad weaves rail to rail. Picks up waves earlier I can now compete with the Mals!

SA, 3025 posts
28 May 2010 9:46AM
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rode the 9ft fusion last night in waist toshoulder high peaks- high tide backwashing sucky outer reef break with 10-12 knts side crossshore wind and a 1/2 - foot of sideways chop. Normally ride a 9'8 starboard fish - 87kg's surfed for 1-1/2 hours

First impressions - stable(in the chop and backwash), nice float slightly more rounded deck towards the rail which felt different to the flat billiard table style i was used to and with the supplied quad set up you need to get some steam up to stay in a straight line when paddling out but quickly get use to it, pops over white water nicely.

Paddles into waves nicely - just had to time it a little later than my 9"8 - but feels nice dropping in late - has a sweet burst of speed off the take off and maintains it coming off the bottom, at first feel a little too loose compared to what I was riding but bites nicely when you put it on its rail to cut back and you get the feeling that with a bit more push you could get it to slide pretty easy. Unfortunately wave length was short and the majority on my backhand but felt good.

Must say I spent a little more time in the water than usual but the conditions and water state had a lot to do with it.

I am really looking forward to getting this in some decent clean waves - like Stuey I am pretty impressed with this board in what was less than ideal conditions (tried out a few other boards in my quest to replace the 9'8 and this so far the is the winner).

Roll on clean swell and glassy conditions - i reckon its going to go off.

wasn't epic waves or conditions - probably what we get to surf 75% of the time though and I just can't wait to get it on the water again. I would certainly recommend demoing one.

Eastcoast SUP
NSW, 333 posts
28 May 2010 9:57PM
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nice reviews fellas !

QLD, 58 posts
28 May 2010 10:34PM
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Thanks for the review mate. I tried the 9'6 Coreban for about 2-3hrs, loved it and am currently saving up for one, but have been thinking to go all out and get the 9'0 fusion. I'm 102kg but the 9'6 held up well. Any thoughts on whether i'll sink the Fusion? I've been learning to surf on a Whopper for the last 6mths but want to move to something a lot more manouverable.

76 posts
29 May 2010 2:03AM
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Any comments on the Fusion as compared to the Icon?

NSW, 63 posts
29 May 2010 9:04AM
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Or the Fusion compared to the Performer, Cheers

VIC, 48 posts
29 May 2010 11:08AM
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Hey guys i had a look at the Fusion vs the Icon, they are a very similar outline and shape, selection between the two would be weight and experience based. Personally haven't ridden the Icon but it looks very similar to the fusion a board which I was very impressed with just a foot longer.

As to the performer i can't comment haven't had the opportunity to ride that board.

WA, 30 posts
1 Jun 2010 1:28PM
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Has anyone ridden the 9' in overhead conditions? I'm 90kg would the rail still dig in on a bottom turn or would we be waiting to slow down before leaning over?

SA, 3025 posts
1 Jun 2010 3:41PM
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drum said...

Has anyone ridden the 9' in overhead conditions? I'm 90kg would the rail still dig in on a bottom turn or would we be waiting to slow down before leaning over?

If we ever get some overhead waves at my local - I'll get back to you - but hard to compare SA Mid coast waves with any where in WA but maybe metro Perth - small reef breaks where a 4foot wave is rare and live on a staple 1-3 foot wave diet

I don't chase it these days just paddle locally when I am allowed off the chain for a few hours each week so it may take a few months to report back..

NSW, 131 posts
1 Jun 2010 11:58PM
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drum said...

Has anyone ridden the 9' in overhead conditions? I'm 90kg would the rail still dig in on a bottom turn or would we be waiting to slow down before leaning over?

Hi Drum, here are some pictures of Greg Bertish on the 9'0 Fusion at Sunset Reef (Cape Town) in over head conditions and I don't think he is slowing down ;) He is a bit lighter then 90kg, but Sunset Reef is a challenging wave in any conditions and he is comfortable riding his 9'0 there.
I hope this helps

WA, 30 posts
2 Jun 2010 10:31AM
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Russh I'm the same and the extra width and volume of the 9' fusion would be nice in the uncrowded onshore perth rubbish I end up surfing but once in a while on an offshore reef some confidence holding a rail at speed would be good.

kingdom thankyou for the photos of mouth watering conditions. Greg is certainly turning at speed from the tail. Although he doesn't appear to be leaning out on the rail very far. I will try I and contact Jason for a test drive. Cheers.

SA, 3025 posts
3 Jun 2010 9:02AM
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drum said...

Russh I'm the same and the extra width and volume of the 9' fusion would be nice in the uncrowded onshore perth rubbish I end up surfing but once in a while on an offshore reef some confidence holding a rail at speed would be good.

I surfed for the second time in a few shoulder - head height choppy reef waves (just white capping side onshore) - glassed off in the end but really full tide and hard to paddle into unless you take off really late.

still hard work in choppy / rippy conditions to keep the tail in a straight line with the little Quad fins supplied - the paddle into a wave takes a bit more concentration compared to my bigger board as the tail swings so easy you have to really get some momentum otherwise you end up swinging too far on the wrong side and need to change paddle mid way through catching the wave - a recipe for disaster - -

Once on a wave - did some of the best off the top / reos I've done on a sup and gets a great squirt of speed from a bottom turn - felt nice on a couple of white water bounces off the cutties.

Gonna try out the thruster set up next time around - I seriously think this board will just get better as the waves get a bit bigger, surf it more and start to unlock its potential.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Coreban Fusion Review" started by Stuey