Stimo, this is a closer look at that board rack you saw. I don't usually use it on the Landy just keep it in case. Its a long way up top for me & a bit awkward.It's more use on the station wagon where 3 boards high gets hard work with the wind. Added bonus after a down wind as you can keep yours strapped on while dropping the rest of the crew back. So far it's been ok .
Have to say thanks for the advise on getting the right board. Dale really got this one right for me. The new board is really stable and super fun in the chop. Lots of fun so far.
I'm thinking of getting a 12"6 to share with my wife. Any thoughts ?
there is a skinny hopefully pretty stable surfing bop type 12'6 dc on the slab being cut to fill the one gap i have with my race boards
Happy to give it a go. I saw it on line & thought it might be a bit like dental floss under my feet? How wide should do you recon assuming the beer guts not shrinking any time soon. Thant mine not the wife's
Love seeing things like this. Gets me thinking of different/ better ways to do things. What brand is it?