Hey guys
i went to try a 2014 nsp race board today and noticed some weird textured lines and soft bubble feeling areas on the bottom and deck.
Is this delamination? Is this a game over kind of scenario or is not that bad / easily fixable?
Could it be you put a wet board in a wet bag, looks like it could be osmosis.
you could try leaving it in sun.
naa man, i went to try the board and the current owner doesn't have a bag for it so shouldn't be any bag related issue. There are some large soft bubbles under the blue that are maybe 3x5cm on various places of the board and feel spongy while the rest of the board feels hard.
I've never seen or felt anything like it, but then again i always take ridiculously good care of my boards and never leave them in the sun etc.
Seems definitively too big for just paint blisters. Most probably delamination, avoid. Either the construction is defective or the owner let it bake in the sun, in both cases it is not worth fixing.
All the blanks and semi finished boards will be put in the oven rooms to get the wet out before lamination and painthing.If not,though goes slow,the board swells after a whack or in a humid environment for a long time.
It looks like that it is the painting layer comes off the board,not a delamination.