Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Down winder today

Created by teatrea > 9 months ago, 20 Dec 2009
QLD, 4177 posts
20 Dec 2009 7:15PM
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Done a down winder with Lacey today , conditions looked good with a SE starting to blow , so we headed out and the wind died and it started raining , so it was just basically a flat water paddle and then towards the end it started to blow SW pushing you further out , the last couple of K,s where pretty hard.Didnt get too much footage of Lacey as he was always half a K in front.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Dec 2009 7:51PM
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teatrea said...

Done a down winder with Lacey today , conditions looked good with a SE starting to blow , so we headed out and the wind died and it started raining , so it was just basically a flat water paddle and then towards the end it started to blow SW pushing you further out , the last couple of K,s where pretty hard.Didnt get too much footage of Lacey as he was always half a K in front.

i couldn't buy a wave in. turned out to be a very average dw run, wasn't expecting much when i saw rain coming in when we were walking down the beach, but the sw change just killed it. that wave you caught was worth the admission price.

VIC, 17438 posts
20 Dec 2009 9:26PM
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Thanks for the vid teatrea.

We also did a big downwinder the other day that didn't go so well.

We started off at St Kilda at about 10am expecting 20-30knots and we only got about 10 knots with the odd 20 knot gust..

All went well but it was hard work in the lulls.

We got to the end and Dave joined us and invited us to do it again with him.. and we thought why not.

It was stinking hot (39deg) and I had drunk all my Camelbak and didn't refill before heading off again.

We thought the wind would pick up but instead it dropped off more.

To make things worse we had the small sailing boat world championships on with hundreds of small sailing boats from all the country's around the world.. and they chopped up the water big time making it like a washing machine.

Dave was leading on his 16' DC and Jonathan was not far behind him on his 14' Pene.. I was last on my 14' Naish.

Every time we got a gust and a small runner I'd get within 50 meters of Jonathan but it was hard work.. In the lulls Jonathan would stretch his gap to me to 100 meters again.

About 2/3's of the way I bonked and found myself just dipping my paddle in and out of the water without even stroking..

I got to the end with Dave and Jonathan after they waited 5-10 minutes for me to catch up.. and I took these pictures before I almost collapsed at the end..



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Down winder today" started by teatrea