Hi guys, after a couple of years of riding a Nash nalu around port Philip bay I am looking to get a board that is better for both downwinders and flat water training. After going to all the shops and reading a million things online I am confused, so some board recommendations would help me.
I am not out to win any races, just have fun. In the summer I sup before work on flat water and hope to downwind at the weekends. As much as I would love a full carbon jav I can't really justify the crazy price tag (is it possible to get a good downwinder/race board for less than 2k?) and would be waisted on me. I weigh about 95kg, so prob need a wider board.
What board do you think would suit my needs?
The 14 x 29.25" Naish Glide is a nice all-rounder - well behaved on ocean downwinders but still pretty quick and fun to paddle on the flats.
Agree Foamballer, the 2014 14'x29" Nash GX Glide ocean board would be good, best of both worlds, DW plus reasonable speed on the flat, should be able to score for around $1700 second hand.
Hi jpungar ...I jumped from the Nalu also to a Naish javelin GX 28 14' ...great board ...totally changed my way of thinking ,about DW and flat water paddling ..they are almost twice as fast as a Nalu .
Thanks for the advice. The Glide does look like a good option. Does the extra kilo of the GS make much of a difference? It seems to be a lot of cost difference between GS and other constructions.
I have a 2014 gx glide like above, was my 1st board and love it, and i use it for both flat and ocean like you want to. Im around the 95 -100kg and its no problem. I now have a DC 14x27 which will be used for DW but the glide will still see plenty of use. If you want Naish still, check your dealer and see what deal they can do you for a 2015 GX Jav 28 wide, i reckon that would be sweet. Check DJ's vids hes on a GX Jav 28 wide.