Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

First SUP purchase

Created by DiscoDamo > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2015
1 posts
14 Apr 2015 12:19PM
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Hey guys

This will be my first SUP and I'm seeking some advice as to where to start. I'll obviously demo some boards and will speak to some pro's in store, but am keen to hear if anything stands out as to a good starting point. I'm about 6' and weigh 80kg. I'm looking for something to use in both the flat (more often) and probably up to 3-4'. My surfing skills are intermediate. From what I've read so far, something around the 10'x30''x4.25" looks about right, but is this too big/small for a first board? Do litres also matter? I'll also throw my young girls on the front from time to time (in the flat), but this isn't the key criteria. Not looking for a boat, but something stable in both flat/waves. An open question I know, but any thoughts as a guide to where to start would be appreciated.


NSW, 108 posts
14 Apr 2015 2:58PM
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IMO Naish Nalu

proven shape, construction, resale

itl do everything you want it too, just decide on a size

WA, 115 posts
14 Apr 2015 3:16PM
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C4 Waterman Ten-Thirty. Size matches your requirements and timeless well proven design cruises and surfs great.

4991 posts
14 Apr 2015 4:29PM
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I would say the 10 'mana .Naish .i wish I'd got one earlier .@190 litres it will handle ..a kid on the front .
surfs and paddle good .or 11.4 Nalu .it is 30" wide ,the mana is 33" ,doesn't rock around as much .11.4 is better in a straight line .@180 first board was a 11.6 Nalu ..@230 litres was too big..for me at 95 kgs.Everybody who I have given a go, on the 10' mana ,has had no problem getting straight up and going ..even newbies . Some did have trouble with the Nalu ,due to the 30" wide .but you will get the hang of it .this is only the naish range .there are so many more brands out there ..hope this helps .

1195 posts
14 Apr 2015 6:29PM
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I too like the Naish Nalu. I have a couple of the older 10'6.5 models. Great for wife and kids and great for surfing small waves... I'm an experienced surfer and this is a board you can start with and progress with too. Fun in surf and on the flat and good build quality (and good resale if/when the time comes).
One thing to avoid: There's so much info flying around and so many options, that it can get easy to defer making a decision and miss out on weeks of fun. Do your homework, sure. Then go for it. You will love it.
(PS... some good deals in the Buy and Sell section here on the Breeze.)

VIC, 50 posts
15 Apr 2015 12:10AM
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I too am new. Purchased an 11 Nalu GS 31" wide 175 ltrs. I am 6'1" 90kg. The board rocks around a bit with my weight so I don't think it would handle a kid on it as well. BUT once you get used the board it is magnificent and agile on the flat water. And take a look at any (or all - as I did) of DavidJohn's videos and you'll appreciate how good it is in the surf.
BTW my missus got a Starby Widepoint 10.5 and it is a lot more stable on the flat water for the same volume and could probably handle a little one it because of the extra 1 inch and where starboard have focussed their stability right in the middle of the board.

NSW, 108 posts
15 Apr 2015 1:56AM
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i agree , get a top three .

scrap one, then just get the one your gut likes best and get out there,

sometimes people talk to much **** and don't just get going,

that goes for gossiping at the beach in kiting ,windsurfn and sup.

NSW, 108 posts
15 Apr 2015 2:04AM
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paulshev , im the same stats as you 6ft 90kg,

you need better balance mate

NSW, 150 posts
15 Apr 2015 8:56AM
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The balance will come - as with most things the more you "do it" the better you get

VIC, 50 posts
15 Apr 2015 9:46AM
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Your board looks different to mine - the 11 Nalu has been redesigned and there is less volume in the tail and nose compared to all other Nalus. This could be why you look so comfortable on it with the extra luggage. And the balance on the board is getting better - +1 to bjwedes - I need to do it more.

NSW, 108 posts
15 Apr 2015 11:56AM
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PaulShev said..
Your board looks different to mine - the 11 Nalu has been redesigned and there is less volume in the tail and nose compared to all other Nalus. This could be why you look so comfortable on it with the extra luggage. And the balance on the board is getting better - +1 to bjwedes - I need to do it more.

the board is a 2009 Nalu

lines change but the volume is still there,

i look comfortable because im trying to show off to two hotties on the beach,
using my mates kid as an "opener"

like shooting fish in a barrel really.

VIC, 3 posts
15 Apr 2015 3:40PM
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Has anyone put a rig on the Nalu?
I'm considering getting rid of my Starboard Go 155 which was a great board to learn on but want to get into SUP as well, while still being able to go for a sail when the conditions are suitable, use it for teaching the kids the basics etc.ect.
I'm 176 and 86kg and bas thinking 10'6' or 11' Nalu. My surfing skills are basic, as a cripple many years ago!
Gathering info at the moment so any opinions or better still experiences would be appreciated.

VIC, 17438 posts
15 Apr 2015 3:52PM
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Karak said..
Has anyone put a rig on the Nalu?


QLD, 6957 posts
15 Apr 2015 6:26PM
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DJ nice job mate the shot from the end of your boom on the first one was perfect , what a great angle. Props to you couple of sick videos and 2 really great tunes might steal Extreme Ways off you on the second video great song. Might have to dust off my rig and give that a try


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"First SUP purchase" started by DiscoDamo