Does anyone know what average speeds people are doing when on flat water. I have been averaging about 6.6k's an hour over a 5.5k course from my house and am keen to know where my times are good or not.
back when our guys were doing the lake circuit a nice time was anything under 30min for 4km on a 12.6 race board. i did hear the record was around 24min though, not sure of the board or conditions for that run.
I have a fanatic 14 and yes they is always tidal movement but as I paddle down and back it should square off any effect
As RJK says, 30 mins for 4km or 8km/h is pretty good going for me on a 12'6" race board on a circuit course which takes account of wind direction and current. However, I tend to think the stronger wind and bigger waves slow you down more going into them than the advantage you pick up when they're at your back.
HFFanatic, that Fanatic 14, if it's the original open ocean rocker version, is not a super fast board on flat water but I think it would be good if you can push into the low to mid 7k's an hour.
The super fast guys from up north would be doing 10 km/h I think.
On a 12'6 and average fitness level I reckon the average speed over a 5km course should be -
7km/h is brisk cruising,
8km/h is quick
8.5km/h+ is race pace
You have to be a very fit machine to maintain over 9km/h for any distance on a 12'6 unles it is glassy flat water and no wind.
if there is wind or current it will always slow you down if you go go both directions. We could do the math but consider the limiting case if the speed of the current exceeds your paddling speed you would never get back. I would love to see a speed event like they do in sailing to see just how fast we can go over a distance
Flatwater speeds are tricky to compare from venue to venue due to current, wind and waterdepth. Standuppers guidelines seem about right.
I get just over 8km/hr on a 71 14' carbon board on a 5km training circuit, I think I would be a lot slower on a 12'6 tho being ~105kg and rather unfit!!
my average in the lake with no wind no tide on a old 12 6 x30 fanatic is 8.4 kmh
over 8 ks with about 2 turns a k (not a big lake) 5 to 10 knot wind down to 8.2 any more wind than that under 8
Speeds from the Silver Blade Regatta event (Olympic flat water course)...
Jim Terrell won the 200m in 00:01:02.854
= 11.46km/h
Slater Trout won the 2000m in 00:12:50.095
= 9.35 km/h
(riding 14' boards apparently)
Just did a 4km race this evening. Glassy flat water (apart from some dick heads in a speed boat who thought it would be funny to blast in front of the paddlers and throw up some wake). Averaged 8km/h. Needed to average at least 8.5km/h to win the race.
We have a weekly 1.9km time-trial which has had over 100 guys record a time to date. The record is 11:48 which is 9.66km/h set on a Starboard Ace by monster of a paddler. 2nd best time is 11:50 (9.63km/h) set by a Naish Javelin - both 14's.
The canals we use are virtually wind protected and have no current but are not over 1.4m deep which causes board speeds to slow down. Part of the canal is a little deeper and there we immediately go over 10km/h but that section doesn't form part of our route. Most our longer races, 5-7km have been won with an average speed of 9.1km/h which is a fair pace for those distances...
I'd imagine an olympic course would have sufficient waterdepth and Slater Trouts times would have been hampered by wind? Otherwise we'll have to send a few paddlers over next time........
I cruise up and down the creek (2.5km each way) on a variety of boards.
On 12'6 Hobie race board best time one-way with tide on my side 16mins (9.37km/hr). Same day coming back against tide 21mins (7.14km/hr). Average time for round trip 8.1km/hr.
Best time one-way on non-race board 10'6" ATR 18 mins (8.33km/hr)
Relatively sheltered from wind but current can be strong especially in the narrower sections.
To give a bit more of an idea these are the results from yesterdays Classic Paddle in Perth, All times over a 5km course:
1st - 29:34 = 10.23km/hr Fanatic 14
2nd - 29:55 = 10.14km/hr DC14
3rd - 29:56 = 10.14km/hr Fanatic 12'6 (wide)
4th - 30:06 = 9.98km/hr Hobie 14
5th - 30.34 = 9.88km/hr SIC F16
6th - 31:29 = 9.58km/hr Fanatic 14
Geez ive got some work to do.Taken from my phone against the tide though
12.6 Naish Jav
Kayaking Start Time
Oct 29, 2011 11:30 AM
4.03 km
Avg Speed 7.3 km/h Max Speed 8.8 km/h
Heart Rate
- / -
This was on the way back into a raging head wind.Wasnt fun
Start Time
Oct 29, 2011 12:05 PM
4.10 km
Avg Speed 6.8 km/h Max Speed 9.7 km/h