Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Golden Beach /lake kawana

Created by lee1972 > 9 months ago, 26 Oct 2016
QLD, 921 posts
26 Oct 2016 9:20PM
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Hey all,

I want to go for a easy paddle with my daughter, she sits on the front and enjoys the ride. Normally I would go to Golden beach however the tides will be running by the time we get on the water so I'm looking for another location, any ideas please??

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
27 Oct 2016 4:43AM
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I imagine lake kawana isn't the most exciting scenery.

Some spots I haven't explored yet but planning to go (most likely with a kid on the front too )

shouldn't be too tidal

VIC, 510 posts
27 Oct 2016 8:02AM
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Currimundi Lake is a great place for a sedate paddle with your daughter. Beautiful scenery and it is between Kawana and Golden Beach.

QLD, 600 posts
27 Oct 2016 12:51PM
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Currimundai lake is good. Down the back where it gets narrow.

QLD, 209 posts
31 Oct 2016 6:24AM
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sorry to enter the conversation a bit late but whenever the tide is running too hard at golden beach i continue to the bells creek ramp. the tide is not as bad and it's more out of the wind too. definitely worth a try



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Golden Beach /lake kawana" started by lee1972