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windsurftom said..
Hi Colas. Where are the pvc sandwich gongs made?
Are they good quality
In China.
The Gong shaper spends a lot of time in China, showing the workers how to shape, glass, etc... himself. He co-developed the FSP with a high end China factory, as Chinese factories were not yet at the level of some other Asian countries for full PVC sandwich boards (wrapping around the rails was too technical for them). The results are impressive.
Often other brands come afterwards to get their boards made in the factories that have been "upgraded" by Gong.
The current "FSP" is of the highest quality, extremely tough and lively on the water. It is quite costly to make, so it is only offered on the "best seller" models (Mob, Karmen, NFA), or the boards needing extra strength such as the foil boards. Here is a presentation of these models: (French but English subtitles)