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Help, SUP Surfing Video Feedback Requested

Created by laithstevens > 9 months ago, 12 Aug 2016
3 posts
12 Aug 2016 9:58AM
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Have just started a Youtube channel and love SUP Surfing so thought that I would try to make some SUP Surf Video's with my drone. I have placed a link below to the first attempt and really wanted the feedback of the guys who would know best if I am on the right track or not. I know that I was too high and plan on the next video to get much lower to the action but would really appreciate your views so I can improve my skills. Oh and if you like the video please like, Share and Subscribe to my channel.

Thanks in advance,


VIC, 2131 posts
12 Aug 2016 1:20PM
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Here are a few comments - hope they help.

You already know the drone was too high. The closer you get to the action the better, and a mixture of front view, above view, and "follow-me" view (if it can be done) would be great.

I have to confess that I cut out at 3 minutes. 7 minutes is a long YouTube video unless the viewer has a ton of time or the vid is truly enthralling.

If I am watching surf/SUP vids, I like the vid to concentrate on the action. Some vids you see spend the first minute or more with fluff "scene setting" video - the beach, the location, a flower, a cloud etc. - personally I prefer surf/SUP vids to have 95% surf/SUP action with transitions of cool imagery. In your vid (what I saw) you had some great shots of the rocks/seaweed under the paddler and some other cool scenes - I would use them to transition between surfers/action not as the main feature.

All of these are my personal opinions...

3 posts
12 Aug 2016 12:01PM
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Thanks a heap for the feedback, taken on board and much appreciated mate I will post again when I get time to do another video and hopefully have a few things sorted out a bit better. Again thanks for your time and opinion.




Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Help, SUP Surfing Video Feedback Requested" started by laithstevens