The remnants of Cyclone Pam still rendering most Gisborne beaches a heavy duty surf experience.
Most of the keen people seemed to gravitate to Sponge Bay Saturday morning as it is quite sheltered.
I surfed "the rock" halfway between Sponge Bay and Tuamotu Island
Not very good surf really.....choppy and windblown....but fun
Hello Gizzie - I have been discussing a trip to NZ with the lady, camper and surf up the west coast of the n is and then back down the east coast, your vid has scared me off - have never owned a steamer - currently have a thin rubber rashie and if really cold can use an old longsleeve vest. With this in mind, is there any time that I CAN GO THERE - F,,ck booties even?
It is funny how the GoPro masks the conditions - it looked pretty good to me. But it looked fairly risky getting out of the water - luckily the rocks looked smooth.
What a cool and beautiful surf spot. It's great to have those special spots that enable you to still enjoy the huge and stormy swells.
The gopro smooths the conditions out pretty well, looked good to me too.
Were you really alone out there?
Gee Gizzie bit of a goat track to the water there! Great vid.
Stehar depends where you go and when you go. I live in Hamilton and surf Raglan/Bay of Plenty. I have just switched from shorts and rash shirt to 2ml short john. Will be in to a 3/2 steamer for winter soon and booties for the chilly months. Although some would consider the booties unnecessary. The further south you go the colder the water gets.
Much nicer conditions at Makorori Point this morning........the first time the point has been a "sensible size" since cyclone pam scooted past
Nice one Gizzie, great waves all along this coast and down Mahia, reminds me of my road trips early nineties up at Hicks, Tokomaru and Tolaga. I bet nothings changed.
About the only thing that has changed is that after heavy rain they put "don't swim/pollution" signs up at town beach.....but then again they've always done dodgy things like pumping sewerage out into the middle of the bay !!!