Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

How to win friends and influence people...

Created by barbarian > 9 months ago, 16 Jan 2018
NSW, 218 posts
16 Jan 2018 7:11PM
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NSW, 825 posts
16 Jan 2018 7:17PM
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NSW, 1314 posts
16 Jan 2018 7:32PM
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QLD, 2286 posts
17 Jan 2018 7:57AM
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This is not unusual. these idiots come up here all the time and do **** like that.

they should be banned from being in areas where surfers or paddlers are in my opinion.

the funny thing is that there is a clear deep water channel that I use on the 14"er just to the west of that location.

SEA LICE nothing more.


5003 posts
17 Jan 2018 6:18AM
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i was hoping that wave was gonna take him out ..
jet skis have there place ,,,but not near us ...

I'm lucky most of the guys that own skis ,surf as well and they know ,it a no go zone ,
there always is one cowboy that needs talking too.

1221 posts
17 Jan 2018 7:20AM
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I didnt see him catch a wave, he was just exiting the bar to get to the ocean from what I could see.
Bad timing though.
If he'd hung around in the surf zone I would be upset too.
I dislike jetskis very muchly but it's noosa for jeebus sake what do you expect?

1221 posts
17 Jan 2018 7:24AM
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That could almost be a new discipline of it chicken kamakazi...a pro tour of dudes that pick the heaviest waves and fang their skijet straight at the impact zone

5003 posts
17 Jan 2018 8:14AM
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I must admit he done well to stay on ....its when they fa

ll off and you see a ski coming at yah...they should wear leg ropes

NSW, 326 posts
17 Jan 2018 9:37PM
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That's nothing LOL, at Box Head idiots tow in on Jetskis with surf foils in a crowded line-up.........You guys are amateurs at selfish and dangerous surf behaviour up there in Queensland!

NSW, 1314 posts
18 Jan 2018 8:02AM
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When I see these sort of things I start to think more and more about wearing a helmet. I hate the idea , but one knock to the head from flying board or unusual accident could mean misery for myself and loved ones. Anyone using helmets ?

VIC, 2130 posts
18 Jan 2018 9:10AM
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I have been using my helmet much more lately, especially in windy conditions when the board can easily fly back and hit you. About 6 months ago I saw a guy get hit in the head, a bit of blood, but injury to his spine - it has made me wear it more often - especially if I am sup surfing alone.

309 posts
23 Jan 2018 8:26AM
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Its funny these guys get their licence and then do whatever they want. My lake paddle of choice has seen two jetskiis arrive and dig out the channel and enable them to start from the shore, this has bought in pollution and after rain its also brought in the bull sharks.
Hopefully they have only come up for the holidays. They are not allowed 100 metres from swimmers but I dont think that applies to other watercraft and surfcraft,


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"How to win friends and influence people..." started by barbarian