Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

I have my SUP, no where to go?

Created by AriGold > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2016
10 posts
20 Sep 2016 8:49PM
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I have recently bought a SUP, its an inflatable which I am guessing will have me ridiculed but I had to get one because of my car.

Where are there SUP and more to the point new SUP user friendly places to surf? Ive had it out on the river but would really like to catch some waves.

I am Joondalup way but happy to travel, saw quite a few today just south of Cottesloe today but I am guessing that is quite a pro area and dont want to be upsetting people with my poor technique :)


NSW, 2465 posts
21 Sep 2016 6:40AM
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Ridiculed for owning an inflatable sup ........ no, we on here would never do that.

But we may ridicule you for owning a car that cant transport a sup

Just get out on the water, be polite, be friendly, stay out of the way from others, wait your turn, don't drop in and enjoy

10 posts
21 Sep 2016 8:36AM
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Well its a soft top, so no way of transporting a normal one.

By the way, im in Perth as didnt specify that.

Quite a few people have told me I will be all over the place on an inflatable in surf as they cant handle it..

WA, 86 posts
21 Sep 2016 9:30AM
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Trust me, south of Cottesloe is not a pro area. Easy-going waves and the bulk of riders are beginners/novices. As Craig66 said, wait your turn and don't drop in. Most people are friendly and accommodating.

10 posts
21 Sep 2016 1:30PM
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Cheers, appreciate the advice. Will give it a go.

With regards to actual surfing, I noticed main beach had 3/4 people out surfing that looked like novices but there were pretty decent waves, is main beach normally more a pro area?

Was empty apart from these 4 lads on foamies who were catching nice waves

WA, 410 posts
21 Sep 2016 4:37PM
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There is no 'pro' area in Perth. Majority of the waves have no shape most of the year, but that's the issue; most waves are very quick or just closeout. Anywhere south of the groin in fine. Just try not to kook out in a critical position otherwise then people will have an issue with you.

VIC, 2131 posts
21 Sep 2016 8:45PM
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What sort of board do you have? I know DJ tried the Naish One SUP in surf and it was tough to stop the nose from diving. I tried my SIC inflatable in some very small waves and it was fun. You would not want to be in steep or close-out waves as it will be real tough turning the board. There are some iSUPs that apparently go OK in the surf, there is even one that is half solid and half inflated if you were really keen.

Start with some real small waves to get the hang of it and work up from there. It should be fun!

10 posts
21 Sep 2016 8:42PM
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Its the astro zen.

Yeah, im only looking at small waves !

VIC, 3982 posts
21 Sep 2016 10:48PM
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If any surfers get angry with you, just offer to hug it out.

4103 posts
22 Sep 2016 10:03AM
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they like it if you can hum along to all the Beach Boys tunes also

VIC, 2098 posts
22 Sep 2016 2:23PM
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A little bit of inflatable SUP surfing:

It can be done.

VIC, 2098 posts
22 Sep 2016 2:24PM
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and here's one with some tips and tricks:

VIC, 2131 posts
22 Sep 2016 2:47PM
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Can't believe they show him dropping-in in the second video... He smiled so I guess it is OK...

VIC, 2098 posts
22 Sep 2016 4:12PM
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cantSUPenough said..
Can't believe they show him dropping-in in the second video... He smiled so I guess it is OK...

I'd have said "that's not a drop-in, it's a party wave"...but there's no sign of DJ

13 posts
22 Sep 2016 2:43PM
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Inflatable SUP is a lot of fun. I bought one for my wife but use it very often especially on trip when I can't bring my rigid SUP.

The two first waves of my last session which was my best session for noseriding with an inflatable SUP (plenty of hang ten which I rarely do with this Sup).

Just for the song

10 posts
22 Sep 2016 3:15PM
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Cheers guys, I really appreciate the advice, gonna get out there and give it a go.

WA, 268 posts
22 Sep 2016 3:25PM
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beaches just north of Mullaloo main beach are prefect for learning SUP surfing and close to Joondalup. No rocks or strong currents, plenty of space

NSW, 150 posts
22 Sep 2016 6:27PM
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Gandalf said..
Trust me, south of Cottesloe is not a pro area. Easy-going waves and the bulk of riders are beginners/novices. As Craig66 said, wait your turn and don't drop in. Most people are friendly and accommodating.

And have a sense of humour

NSW, 1314 posts
22 Sep 2016 7:58PM
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There are some benefits in learning on a quality iSup in small waves
a. The board won't snap
b. The board won't hurt / kill you or someone else
c. They feel slow on the wave. That should not be an issue for a beginner

I can hardly surf. But whilst learning I feel most comfortable on the Isup for the safety reasons mentioned above

10 posts
26 Sep 2016 2:22PM
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I never really see anyone on beaches or in the water north of Mullaloo, which beach in particular?

NSW, 1314 posts
3 Oct 2016 3:51PM
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Arigold. Just spent most of the last week surfing on this Starboard isup. Has been great for learning on 1 ft waves. Great for building confidence as I know the board won't kill me or anyone around me (that said I have been surfing in quiet areas). This has allowed me to concentrate on other things like using the paddle to balance and turn, as well as timing in catching waves.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"I have my SUP, no where to go?" started by AriGold