Its PUMPING out there just did a Bilinga SLSC to Nth Burleigh Rocks here’s what Bouyweather reads, Code RED hazardous conditions:- Very windy with large choppy seas. Small craft advisory. Moderate short period wind waves. Seas: S 2.6 to 3.4 meters at 7 seconds. Winds: SSE 22 to 30 knots. I took the custom 17ft f16 for a run so stoked with this board I love it. I just surfed the whole way cruising at 22km/h doing 4 1/2 minutes a kilometre “Yes Please Mr Wizard” 18 months ago I had this board for sale on seabreeze I guess I just needed some money at the time. I’m so stoked no-one wanted it as I would have been spewing I sold it. I know now this board is NOT FOR SALE it’s a keeper for Life.
Like the colour blends
I may look gay but at least I stand out like Dogs Balls I can be spotted 3 kilometres away if anything goes down.
Geez Phil,
I did a similar run late morning on my 12'6" Bullet and it went great. Can't imagine how good the F16 would be. Great day!!