Can't believe this guy...this must be ridiculously difficult to pull off! Have seen video of him doing it, but it's still damn impressive!
Aww c'mon, when we were 30 kgs wringing wet, had the flexibility of a Russian ballet dancer I reckon we could have given it a red hot go. Bit harder now with seized up joints, a massive board to hold my not so nimble well fed frame I'd have buckles! Bloody impressive though.
It's Actually a lot easier than it looks! All you need is balance and a wave that is going to break over you (not too big not too small) At state titles a few years ago I did it on a 12'6 naish! The wave has to be breaking in a certain way to be able to keep your momentum to push yourself through it. !!
Dogman is pretty good at these and I have nailed a few BUT here's a tip make sure you rest your head on your front arm when you go through , otherwise the wave pushes your head to your chest.
That looks like the affect i have on most boards, including a few race ones. Pretty easy to do, it's getting it to re-float where i struggle…!!!
I'm Pretty sure Frank Latta started that back in the 80's.
He used to do it on 9.0 long board, as has been said already it's more about the wave than and your position than the manoeuvre.
Yep that was a Shaun Tomson invention, have yet to meet him but I did run into Tom Carroll a few times over the years. I have always been a huge fan of his, and was blown away when I came across him at the super market here in Hale'iwa... he actually was apologizing for being in the way of me grabbing a head of lettuce.... I was just staring thinking: Holy **** that's Tom Carroll, and he thinks he was in my way at the market... Jeez that is just a super nice guy. Saw him SUP surfing that same winter, he was super cool, actually gave me a little hoot as I dropped into a wave at Himalayas... that was seriously one of the coolest things and I will always remember what a cool feeling it was to have your hero encourage you! Good times.