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Laird Hamilton on Baking Soda

Created by Downwinder > 9 months ago, 28 May 2016
QLD, 4177 posts
29 May 2016 7:51PM
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AndyR said...
Teatrea have you read the "China study" or has your daughter? Most vegans have or no about it.
Really really good read.

Not sure mate I will let her know, I can say her vegan diet has not harmed her at all, she is a healthy weight and looks Great. Every one is different and each to their own, I've tried being vego and I did feel Great, but it's hard work. My diet know is largely veggies most days eaten raw, lots of nuts and Greek yoghurt. And I've come to love my slow-cooked stews, to easy throw everything in including fruit whack it on in morning 6hrs later you have enough to last 3 days or more, eat it with rice or whatever. Packed full of every nutrient and protein you need. I've lost a lot of weight ,but Im stronger at 83kg than I was at Over 90kg. In fact Im stronger at nearly 45 than I have ever been and I've been training in one sport or another my whole life. I believe good diet is the main reason, as I have more energy to burn and Good nutrients to recover. My training is also not really training doing sets reps ect, I just have fun sometimes I go hard but only if I feel like it, sometimes I'll go a week with little training and I feel even better. Recovery is a big thing and I reckon most people train way to often for maximal results, especially older people. Quality over quantity is always best.

5026 posts
29 May 2016 6:17PM
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teatrea said..
Beer is a staple of my diet , id wither and die without it.

Ha ..for you we will make a exception .

i have a weakness for beer too.

my Corona

QLD, 1344 posts
29 May 2016 8:42PM
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We all have a weakness for beer haha.
xxxx gold is mothers milk.

I believe in the same thinking as you teatrea. I don't over train. I do things for fun be it what ever sport or activity. Back in the day I over trained I ended up injured more than not. I love having a week of doing little then the fire burns and you put in a solid week of training and feel amazing. Everything feels good when everything is balanced.
Raw is good! I reckon I eat 60% or more raw atm. Slow cooker is good we throw all sorts of veggies in there then eat it on rice etc. cheap way of cooking and does last for days.

Downwinder I've been watching some you tube clips on lactic acid etc today very interesting.

309 posts
29 May 2016 8:11PM
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Now I think everyone here has a valid point. Firstly with studies and scientific results on diets and supplements and good fats and bad fats its important to understand the science behind each study, who is financing the study? Who is funding the LABS where the studies are taking place and what agenda they are putting forward.
Some initial factors to consider from my four years of recent study I have looked at into children's health.
Firstly just riding a sup will keep your body in a state of exercise, as well as getting the vitamin D from the sun and the sea spray which is starting to be seen as a benefit.
Flexibility, body weight strength exercises and 1-2 hours of movement or 10,000 steps is needed for cardio vascular exercise.
Most kids today average 20-30 mins including walking around school.
Also vegtables are limitless even potatoes you cant eat enough potatoes (not chips or fried potatoes) but steamed or baked to cause cardiac risk.
Sweet potatoes are better. Colour variety is the key, more colours the better.
Fish is also limitless you will not be able to eat more fish than you will consume in exercise.
Fruit is limitless in whole form. We do this experiment with the kids. Buy an orange juice bottle I like the nudie ones that tell you how many oranges are in the bottle and then buy the same whole oranges, its tough to eat 8 and a half oranges in one sitting but easy to down 1 litre of orange juice. This becomes hilarious in juices like breakfast juice, when you are eating up to 8 different fruits. Thats why they are so sweet. Ribena is another good one it can take almost half an hour to eat the fruit in those Ribena bottles.
Nuts and legumes are again okay if they are raw, unsalted basically limitless with other foods in between meals.
Chicken is good if you eat it the quantity you can carry in your hands, red meat too. Paleo belief.
Eggs waver between good and bad. again only what you can carry 1 or 2.
Milk unlimited.
Sugar needs to be explained to children as well as salt to improve the taste of your food.
This is whats wrong with studies, most of them are right or can be proven beneficial on all fronts.
In Scandanavian studies where governments run semi independent studies 1 hour of light walking has been proven to be the most beneficial to your health.
It could even reverse the obesity problem in children.
1 hour of walking in nature doubles the effect and can reduce your chance of depression.
SUP riding is similar but also includes more resistance so its beneficial to your health.

QLD, 2030 posts
30 May 2016 5:00AM
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Kierannq said..

teatrea said..
Funny on the Goldy their are more sup stores than macccas. It's pretty ****** simple eat a well balanced diet and stay away from crap food.

There is a person from my town who claims they were broke, had no money, living week to week.....somehow managed to start a Supplement shop, is absolutely killing it on the financial side of things now apparently, all because he is flogging just about every supplement known to man, is prolific on social media, has great customer service, I just can't help but think it's a fraud, offers meal plans, someone showed me one of the meal plans, it was supplements for brekkie, for lunch and dinner. I have seen videos of people lining up down the road to get into the shop - the lure of supplements targeting people saying they will lose weight fast etc, just take supps etc, its bloody epic. Whats wrong with real food - I'm short fat and overweight due to years of a **** diet, but have managed to drop 15 or so KG in the last 8 months due to eating just a well balanced diet of meat, veges and fruit and dropped alcohol altogether mixed with plenty of exercise.

Kierannq try this for Breakfast & Lunch I call it the GREEN SLIM you'll be jumping out of your skin all day.
(better than just Bananas for Breakfast) I purchased this kick arse Industrial LexSun Professional 2L Blender. It only cost me $385 on special from $585 I couldn’t afford the Muti Mix for $900 Ingredients:- Beans, Peas, Carrots, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Spinach, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, Bok choy, Beetroot, Teaspoon of L-Glutamine, Teaspoon of Chlorella, Teaspoon came came, Almonds, Gogi Berries, Pineapple, 1/2 Avocado, Pear, Apple, Banana, Coffee Mug of Water.

QLD, 2030 posts
30 May 2016 5:13AM
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teatrea said..
read a good book natural born heroes , about stories from the war where people showed miraculous feats of endurance on very poor diets. Apparently they made good use of the bodies fascial network to conserve energy , been reading a bit about it lately although most of it is over my head. It is basically using the bodies fascia as a rebound or spring mechanism , much like kangaroos do and many other animals. A lot of normal training works the fascia obviously but a lot doesn't. Its also an interesting adjunct to nutrition. Ive been doing a lot of body weight and ballistic type training for a few months and I'm doing stuff now I could only do in my twenties. Where really moving forward with training ideas , expecially strength training. Their is gym strength and real world strength.If any one else is trying different fitness approaches Id like to hear your experiences.

teetrea if your into body core conditioning this is the web site for you mate Eddie Baran is a WEAPON, Eddies program is Brutal but worth doing if your fairdinkum about your Core.

QLD, 2030 posts
30 May 2016 5:55AM
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Zeusman said..
DW, curious to know what you consider to be "too much fruit per day"
And the breakdown. I.E: 1 apple, 2 bananas, an orange etc etc

G'day Zeusman that's a very good question but also a hard one
Every bodies digestive system is different if your moving eat as much fruit as you please, If you're stationary all day limit your fruit because you're not burning the fructose so it's like eating pure sugar.
Fruit for me personally I love fruit I rather eat fruit than say chips or takeaway food, I'm like a Marlee Bull I just graze all day this is my Play Lunch for Work.

What I have found though (my body) I don't eat fruit before I train only Banana's because fruit blots me (I feel like Mr Methane) so I can't train, but after a training session I'll smash a tone of fruit.

I try not to eat any fruit say after 2:00PM as I'm a big fan of the Jump-rope around 5:00PM I'm like an Animal jumping at 120% for like half hour of skipping best cardio ever.

Banana's are THE BEST fuel ever I'll eat up to 8 banana's a day BEST ENERGY FOOD.

NSW, 825 posts
30 May 2016 9:46AM
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I (mostly!) gave up alcohol 5 months ago..................I cannot believe the positive impact on my body/health!! I have lost 10kgs and...................I have now been able to move into a much wider range of performance SUP boards.

309 posts
30 May 2016 9:55AM
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Downwinder that is a great smoothie for breakfast and lunch can you show us a picture of it all cut up before you put it in the blender I think I would like to try to make a few of those for myself.
We were told at university from the dieticians that you can not eat too many fruits to be harmful, espiceally as you eat a wide range and not just one specific fruit like apples. It would be interesting to see how much of your snack fruit blends down to. Probably less than 1 small 300ml tropical juice. Most people are consuming more fruit than you when they have an orange juice for lunch with their sandwich. Plus you are getting all the fibre.
Your skin fold must be insanely low.
Thanks for sharing the smoothy recipe do you mind if I start using it as a morning green shake.

QLD, 2030 posts
30 May 2016 12:08PM
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pumpjockey02 said..
Downwinder that is a great smoothie for breakfast and lunch can you show us a picture of it all cut up before you put it in the blender I think I would like to try to make a few of those for myself.
We were told at university from the dieticians that you can not eat too many fruits to be harmful, espiceally as you eat a wide range and not just one specific fruit like apples. It would be interesting to see how much of your snack fruit blends down to. Probably less than 1 small 300ml tropical juice. Most people are consuming more fruit than you when they have an orange juice for lunch with their sandwich. Plus you are getting all the fibre.
Your skin fold must be insanely low.
Thanks for sharing the smoothy recipe do you mind if I start using it as a morning green shake.

Go for it pumpjokey02 I'm not a Bodybuilder but my BMI Body Mass Index is 12% Body Fat I'm 54yo Old Man so I'm stoked with that reading I could go under 10% but I'm too lazy. My calcium in my bones is like 1.9 thats like steel under 0.9 your getting osteoporosis.

You are what you eat.

WA, 1395 posts
30 May 2016 10:11AM
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Eat foo. Not too much. Mostly plants.
Michael Pollan.
nuf said.

QLD, 2030 posts
30 May 2016 12:12PM
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teatrea said..
Beer is a staple of my diet , id wither and die without it.

I'm with you TT I love my beer a carton of Carlton Cold or Corona's only last me less that 2 days in my fridge I can't have just one beer I'm drinking the lot.

SA, 123 posts
30 May 2016 8:51PM
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Downwinder, it actually shocks me that you drink such crap beer when you eat like that! Carlton cold seriously? You must spend too much on fruit and veg to pay for real beer that isnt made with rubbish!

QLD, 1363 posts
30 May 2016 11:27PM
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Downwinder said...
Zeusman said..
DW, curious to know what you consider to be "too much fruit per day"
And the breakdown. I.E: 1 apple, 2 bananas, an orange etc etc

G'day Zeusman that's a very good question but also a hard one
Every bodies digestive system is different if your moving eat as much fruit as you please, If you're stationary all day limit your fruit because you're not burning the fructose so it's like eating pure sugar.
Fruit for me personally I love fruit I rather eat fruit than say chips or takeaway food, I'm like a Marlee Bull I just graze all day this is my Play Lunch for Work.

What I have found though (my body) I don't eat fruit before I train only Banana's because fruit blots me (I feel like Mr Methane) so I can't train, but after a training session I'll smash a tone of fruit.

I try not to eat any fruit say after 2:00PM as I'm a big fan of the Jump-rope around 5:00PM I'm like an Animal jumping at 120% for like half hour of skipping best cardio ever.

Banana's are THE BEST fuel ever I'll eat up to 8 banana's a day BEST ENERGY FOOD.

Thanx mate. Very informative

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 5:19AM
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Chopsup said..
Downwinder, it actually shocks me that you drink such crap beer when you eat like that! Carlton cold seriously? You must spend too much on fruit and veg to pay for real beer that isnt made with rubbish!

I just love the taste of Australian beer Chopsup Yes the chemicals they put in the brew is no good for you BUT it get's me DRUNK I'm not really into Victoria but to me the best beer on the planet comes from Victoria like VB, Melbourne Bitter, Fosters, Carlton Cold. But my favourite Beer is from NSW TOOHEY"S OLD Black beer. In America it's Corona's all the way $20 a carton "Yes Please Mr Wizard"

I would not piss on Queensland Beer.

I'm not into Boutique Beers to me they taste like s@#t.

I do like making Home Brew but I'm to lazy, when the bottle shops across the road.

You'll never see Downwinder with a Lite Beer or a Mid-strength in his hands, Downwinder drinks Beer for the taste and to get DRUNK.
I'm a happy drunk. "you can see why it be easy to be a alcoholic"

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 5:25AM
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I found the Podcast the bit on Baking Soda is at the 53 minute mark

Meet Laird Hamilton and Gabrielle Reece – sporting legends, nutrition and fitness gurus, parents, and – as you will discover on this podcast – deep thinkers and philosophers of life.

Read more

I'm going to be a Guinea Pig and put a Tea-spoon of Baking Soda in my GREEN SLIM Blend for the next 4 weeks and see how my body feels.

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 5:53AM
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pumpjockey02 said..
Now I think everyone here has a valid point. Firstly with studies and scientific results on diets and supplements and good fats and bad fats its important to understand the science behind each study, who is financing the study? Who is funding the LABS where the studies are taking place and what agenda they are putting forward.
Some initial factors to consider from my four years of recent study I have looked at into children's health.
Firstly just riding a sup will keep your body in a state of exercise, as well as getting the vitamin D from the sun and the sea spray which is starting to be seen as a benefit.
Flexibility, body weight strength exercises and 1-2 hours of movement or 10,000 steps is needed for cardio vascular exercise.
Most kids today average 20-30 mins including walking around school.
Also vegtables are limitless even potatoes you cant eat enough potatoes (not chips or fried potatoes) but steamed or baked to cause cardiac risk.
Sweet potatoes are better. Colour variety is the key, more colours the better.
Fish is also limitless you will not be able to eat more fish than you will consume in exercise.
Fruit is limitless in whole form. We do this experiment with the kids. Buy an orange juice bottle I like the nudie ones that tell you how many oranges are in the bottle and then buy the same whole oranges, its tough to eat 8 and a half oranges in one sitting but easy to down 1 litre of orange juice. This becomes hilarious in juices like breakfast juice, when you are eating up to 8 different fruits. Thats why they are so sweet. Ribena is another good one it can take almost half an hour to eat the fruit in those Ribena bottles.
Nuts and legumes are again okay if they are raw, unsalted basically limitless with other foods in between meals.
Chicken is good if you eat it the quantity you can carry in your hands, red meat too. Paleo belief.
Eggs waver between good and bad. again only what you can carry 1 or 2.
Milk unlimited.
Sugar needs to be explained to children as well as salt to improve the taste of your food.
This is whats wrong with studies, most of them are right or can be proven beneficial on all fronts.
In Scandanavian studies where governments run semi independent studies 1 hour of light walking has been proven to be the most beneficial to your health.
It could even reverse the obesity problem in children.
1 hour of walking in nature doubles the effect and can reduce your chance of depression.
SUP riding is similar but also includes more resistance so its beneficial to your health.

Well said pumpjockey02 but only a moron would buy orange juice it has more sugar in it than a can of Coca-Cola and that s@#t is poison. (Ribena I don't know I'm not a fan) and Milk it's a waist of time drinking that s@#t I haven't drank milk for years.

I totally agree about going for a walk, after my day is done and I've ate my 300gm Steak for dinner I'll go for an hour walk 6km from Nth Burleigh to Burleigh Heads and back. Yes you really feel the benefits from going for a simple walk, after your day is done.

5026 posts
31 May 2016 5:50AM
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Downwinder said..

Chopsup said..
Downwinder, it actually shocks me that you drink such crap beer when you eat like that! Carlton cold seriously? You must spend too much on fruit and veg to pay for real beer that isnt made with rubbish!

I just love the taste of Australian beer Chopsup Yes the chemicals they put in the brew is no good for you BUT it get's me DRUNK I'm not really into Victoria but to me the best beer on the planet comes from Victoria like VB, Melbourne Bitter, Fosters, Carlton Cold. But my favourite Beer is from NSW TOOHEY"S OLD Black beer. In America it's Corona's all the way $20 a carton "Yes Please Mr Wizard"

I would not piss on Queensland Beer.

I'm not into Boutique Beers to me they taste like s@#t.

I do like making Home Brew but I'm to lazy, when the bottle shops across the road.

You'll never see Downwinder with a Lite Beer or a Mid-strength in his hands, Downwinder drinks Beer for the taste and to get DRUNK.
I'm a happy drunk. "you can see why it be easy to be a alcoholic"

Aren't you forgetting cooper pale ale ?.natural ..with a bloody good hit ..Im glad they dropped the alcohol content ,at 5.8 it was blowing my socks off.
cant remember ??

you eat good downwinder...and drink even better.cheers.

309 posts
31 May 2016 5:59AM
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I will look into milk downwinder, its suprisingly hard to get kids these days out for any exercise. its only going to get worse i fear with virtual reality.
Whats your view on eggs?

QLD, 150 posts
31 May 2016 8:21AM
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Thanks for that smoothie recipe DW, I'll get onto that when i fly home from work this weekend, Im not allowed in the kitchen, so I'll get the wife onto it. I don't drink alcohol anymore but i must agree with you on the tooheys old - i used to love that stuff.

Couple of questions about the recipe and what do these do?
we dont have L- Glutamine
whats Came came?

QLD, 4177 posts
31 May 2016 8:43AM
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Now this is high performance Tucker.

NSW, 825 posts
31 May 2016 9:39AM
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NSW, 80 posts
31 May 2016 4:26PM
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baking soda,
perfect if you are after a hit of explosive diarrhoea

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 5:53PM
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pumpjockey02 said..
I will look into milk downwinder, its suprisingly hard to get kids these days out for any exercise. its only going to get worse i fear with virtual reality.
Whats your view on eggs?

I love eggs I eat 3 Boiled eggs every day (2 dozen a week) around 9:00AM why 9:00AM it just fits in with my Training schedule, years ago I would feed the egg yolk to the Seagulls it's very entertaining watching a Seagull try and swallow 3 egg yolks at once, I used to think years ago the egg yolk was bad for your cholesterol but not anymore.

I remember as a Grommet getting FREE Milk at School they even gave us Chocolate Milk

I see fat children everyday at work it's just an insult to the Parents Intelligence (poor kids)

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 5:56PM
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teatrea said..
Now this is high performance Tucker.

hahaha NICE as long as the Guinness is really cold I'll join you in a session TT

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 7:32PM
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Kierannq said..
Thanks for that smoothie recipe DW, I'll get onto that when i fly home from work this weekend, Im not allowed in the kitchen, so I'll get the wife onto it. I don't drink alcohol anymore but i must agree with you on the tooheys old - i used to love that stuff.

Couple of questions about the recipe and what do these do?
we dont have L- Glutamine
whats Came came?

L-Glutamine plays a key role in protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism. L-Glutamine also increases your ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone, which helps metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. L-Glutamine's anti-catabolism ability prevents the breakdown of your muscles.

Camu camu is chock full of vitamin C: 60 times more per serving than an orange! A teaspoon of camu camu powder has 1180 per cent of your recommended daily intake for vitamin C, which is important for gum health, among other functions in your body.

I love this stuff your body will be jumping out of it's skin after a extra large teaspoon of Chlorella is an all-natural supplement that boosts your energy, supports fat loss and helps detox heavy metals like lead and mercury from your body, this superfood is rich with phytonutrients, including amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorous, biotin, magnesium and the B-complex vitamins. Studies have shown that chlorella benefits the entire body by supporting healthy hormonal function, promoting cardiovascular health, and aiding in the detoxification of your bodies.

QLD, 4177 posts
31 May 2016 8:03PM
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one thing I'm very curious about these superfoods that have x amount more vitamins and minerals than ordinary food , is how much does your body actually absorb and use?. It seems these foods only grow in exoctic faraway places deep in the amazon or high in Tibet So if an orange contains a certain amount of vitamin c and product x from mount wo woo contains 500 times more . does your body use and retain the extra in the woo woo over the orange or do you just piss it out along with your hard earned Downwinder ill have a guinness session with you , as long as you shout , LoL,

And then
VIC, 120 posts
31 May 2016 8:39PM
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Re: Sodium Bicarbonate...

Do Fruit Tingles count?

VIC, 2098 posts
31 May 2016 8:50PM
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Downwinder said..

Supplements are a waist of Money in general Supplements do very little for promoting good health well less than 10%

Save your money, just eat plenty of Vegetables.

^ L-Glutamine...Camu Camu...that green stuff on the spoon...not supplements?

QLD, 2030 posts
31 May 2016 9:10PM
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HumanCartoon said..

Downwinder said..

Supplements are a waist of Money in general Supplements do very little for promoting good health well less than 10%

Save your money, just eat plenty of Vegetables.

^ L-Glutamine...Camu Camu...that green stuff on the spoon...not supplements?

So True HumanCartoon, those 3 ingredient are about as far as I'll go. But I do like the Chorella I find that s@#t works for me.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Laird Hamilton on Baking Soda" started by Downwinder