Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Lolorua Race on Sunday

Created by Lobes > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2014
885 posts
13 Dec 2014 10:30AM
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Hi Guys,

All PNG based paddlers get onboard for the Red Bull Island paddle tomorrow. The course is from Lolorua Island, across Fairfax Harbour and back to the RPYC marina. There will be a BBQ after the race.

Race briefing is at 9am on the lawn next to the boatshed then we will be ferried to Lolorua for a 10am start. Its a good paddle I have done it a number of times and even taking it pretty easy should be less than an hour. Conditions will be perfect with glassy water and no wind. It will be a great experience for experts and novices alike. Come and have a go!

PS I have a spare 12' racing board and paddle if anybody needs a loaner


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Lolorua Race on Sunday" started by Lobes