Biggest distance race of the year tomorrow. 20th year set for a big one. It's on my bucket list to do, thank god I'm only 31 I got a few years to plan it out.
Looks like an epic field in the men, shame a few of the top women have pulled out due to injury etc.
Could throw a blanket over top ten in unlimited for men. But I'll put down My predictions.
1st - Kai Lenny (if on unlimited) I reckon this could be the year he gets a bit of luck could sneak the win from under Travis and Connor, as I think Travis and Connor will follow each other's line to keep each other insight and race between each other, if Kai takes s different line it could pay off big time.
2nd - Travis grant
3rd - Connor Baxter
4th - Matty nottage
5th- kelly Margetts
6th - Jimmy casey
Aussies 4 out of top 6 and I think 7 out of top 10 places will be Aussie lads.
Sonni for win
Annabel for stock win but if on unlimited she will get the win over sonni
Prone women unlimited
jordy mercer to make 6 years in a row, can't wait to see her win 10 in a row like mentor Jamie Mitchell.
Prone men, this is the year an all star aussie line up.
Top 3 will be Aussies.
1st - Lincoln Dews, 3rd sup last year back on prone this year .trained the house down in lead up, Jamie Mitchell by his side, on Jamie's board, Dews is looking lean, looking strong I reckon this could be the story of the day coming out ahead of the Aussie prone specialist bevy and pooley.
2nd - Matt bevy 2015 winner
3rd - Matt Poole 2014 winner
1st three person mix team
Sea breeze legend iron phill and team mates,
I reckon there will be footage of phil having a corona on the boat while in the channel.
It's hard to tell with all the different lines but at 1/8th into the race and it looks like Kai might be leading with Connor not far behind him..
Great photos on that site.. Here a recent comment..
Dog fight between Kai Lenny, Travis Grant and Connor Baxter as the SUP racers enter mid channel. Lenny digs deep in this photo.
BTW.. Looks like Kai in on an UL board.
Looks like Kai and Billy Robello? leading side by side and a gap to Travis who's more south with Connor close behind him..
Results are constanly updating Niuhiti BuillardFrench Polynesia is now second and Danny Ching into 4th
Sonya 1st Germany
Annibal 2nd NZ
Terrene 3th AUS
Toby Cracknell 5th
Matt Knottage 7th
Massive effort by the Aussie prone paddlers first 5 spots so far and new record by Matt Bevilacqua's:-
Matt Bevilacqua's finishing time of 4:29:32 shatters the previous (prone unlimited) course record of 4:40:31, set by Jamie Mitchell in 2011. Watch the champion react after his history-making win.
James Casey first in his CATERGORY
Yewwwww how good am I at predicting!!
I reckon I was the only person outside of Kai Lennys team that had tipped Kai for the win!!!
The kid is a genuine superstar!
Probably showing by ignorance but I guess it must depend on the category you have entered. So Kai is obviously under 29 yrs but may not have entered that category.
Really impressed by Kai, never out of the top 4 in all his M2O's and smashed it properly this time round - we were on Maui in 2013 and he was doing 5x Maliko runs in one day on a 12'6 as part of his preparations then. He is a tough nut and one of those rare cases where a massive talent is blessed with the understanding that you have to train as well.
And AndyR - those were some impressive predictions you had going there!
1st Place M2O Mixed Team Kathy Shipman, iRONPHIL, Luke Jenkins
Congratulations to Sonni Hönscheid winning her 3rd M2O in a row, You Truly Are A WEAPON Sonni.
Has any body got change POVITY SUCKS
Noiiice.. Beauty pics Phil... And congrats on your result.. A+++ effort by you and your team mates! I'm guessing more than a few beers went down afterwards..