8am meet at Sandy for those that are keen.. [8.30 start from St Kilda]
Saturday 10 May
Strong Wind Warning for Saturday for Port Phillip
Northerly 15 to 25 knots, locally reaching 30 knots at first, decreasing to 15 to 20 knots by late morning. Wind tending northwesterly at 10 to 15 knots during the afternoon.
1 to 1.5 metres, decreasing below 1 metre during the morning.
It'd be cool if one day these forecasters could all agree with each other...
Meteye for 7am:
Meteye for 10am:
DJ / HC,
After being unable to wag work today and having to sit in my box watching the sun and breeze all day, I'll take either forecast for tomorrow.
HC I'm hoping yours is correct given the time I may spend in the water falling off my newly acquired 14 Jav!
See you there!!!
The wind maps look like StKilda to Sandy is going to dribble. Ricketts to Patto River will surely be the better option.
My forecasts suggest the best St. Kilda run may be from about 11.00 - 12.00 as there's a NW influence. Prior to that it's N or NNE. The big breeze in NNE VERY early hours in the morning.
Ricketts to Patterson River does have some legs, but again post 11.00am
I'm keen. There's only one way to improve my technique!
Back to bed.
DWer called off due to a lack of wind.
The heavy rain and the forecast has also changed.. Bummer.
Forecast for Saturday until midnight
Northerly 10 to 15 knots, reaching up to 20 knots in the south in the morning. Winds turning west to northwesterly in the early afternoon becoming north to northwesterly about 10 knots in the late afternoon.
1 to 1.5 metres, decreasing below 1 metre during the morning.
Just as I was rubbing my hands together thinking this could be a perfect training run!
It's your fault then.. Don't rub your hands together next time..