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Melbourne Winter Downwinder vid.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 9 Jun 2015
VIC, 17460 posts
9 Jun 2015 4:52AM
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VIC, 1301 posts
9 Jun 2015 9:15AM
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A fun weekend of DWers DJ, good to see you out charging along rather than being a dad and waiting and looking out for the slower crew....

QLD, 2286 posts
9 Jun 2015 2:23PM
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Awesome DJ. Loved it.

Makes my Sunday effort look rather ordinary though.

Thanks again.


VIC, 2098 posts
9 Jun 2015 3:46PM
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Is that the Prince of Persia's shoe?

NSW, 150 posts
9 Jun 2015 5:11PM
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Nice video as usual - thanks for sharing

VIC, 17460 posts
9 Jun 2015 5:25PM
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HumanCartoon said...

Is that the Prince of Persia's shoe?

There were times that I wished my 17' Naish needle nose Jav was a Persian slipper..

VIC, 796 posts
9 Jun 2015 5:29PM
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HumanCartoon said..

Is that the Prince of Persia's shoe?

Dunno about that HC, but it's about 3 times my height.
And quick.
And dry - no falls for all 3 runs in up to 35 knots.
And quick.
And steers where you want it to go.
And quick.
And looks like a downwind board should look.
And did I mention that it's quick?

VIC, 5904 posts
9 Jun 2015 7:40PM
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helmy is that your yellow and blue board with heaps of nose rocker in the vid ? what sort of board is it , how wide ? looks good ....

hey DJ how did you get the two different shot looking back ........... looking foward ........ ? magic !!!!? is that a bigger board than usual ?

VIC, 796 posts
10 Jun 2015 9:30AM
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SandS said..
helmy is that your yellow and blue board with heaps of nose rocker in the vid ? what sort of board is it , how wide ? looks good ....

hey DJ how did you get the two different shot looking back ........... looking foward ........ ? magic !!!!? is that a bigger board than usual ?

Yep SandS that's the SIC F16 - 16' x 27" (hollow moulded) that I stole from Nozza.
He bought it from the gold coast, and I offered to look after it for him whilst we were trying to confuse our wives about who owned what board.
It kinda never went back...
So now I have a dedicated DW board, and Nozza has another opportunity to engage the "N+1" rule...
I'm pretty sure he's cleaned out the entire Aus stock of 2nd hand SIC boards by now, but if anyone else has one, let him know...

And the F16 - I dunno why there aren't more of them on the water in Aus.
Probably a supply issue.
Or at least more boards like it.

My conclusion - if you want to get the most out of downwinding, get a dedicated downwind board.

QLD, 161 posts
10 Jun 2015 11:22AM
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14" SIC Bullet does it all for me ...Single Carbon Construction..super strong and stable. The F16 looks awesome .

VIC, 5904 posts
10 Jun 2015 7:32PM
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good one thanks Helmy.............

219 posts
10 Jun 2015 6:08PM
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Helmy have you tried the 17' Bullet?

if so, do you have a comparison?

Can't get an unlimited out of my mind!!!

QLD, 36 posts
10 Jun 2015 9:34PM
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Ahh man, What are you doing to me!

Never tried it, but got to have a crack at it.

Awesome video, Thanks.

VIC, 2859 posts
10 Jun 2015 10:14PM
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chucktheskiffie said..

Helmy have you tried the 17' Bullet?

if so, do you have a comparison?

Can't get an unlimited out of my mind!!!

If Helmy hasn't chimed in in the last hour and a half I seem to have been putting this reply together, here goes.
I have the 17'4" Bullet, and the reason I let the F16 disappear to Helmy's garage is I much prefer it (The 17 that is).
I have had it nearly 5 months, limited downwinders (1 and 1/2) but a lot of general paddling in all conditions, pretty much daily.
When I say limited downwinders, I have probably done more than I think, but I paddle both directions.
It is awesomely stable, really planted in a sea.
In flat water paddled flat out, it feels like it lifts out of the water. The F16 looks like it is surfing on it's own bow wave in the same conditions.
I am hovering around 95kg, Helmy 75kg. I found the F16 a bit less reassuring, but it never misbehaved. I think for a bigger bloke, the 17 is better.
I don't know what initially attracted me to the big boards, but I went from a 29" wide 14' to a less than 27' wide 17'.
The narrower board is way more pleasant to paddle, and with much more board under where you stand, is much more stable.
Have subsequently discovered 14' and 12'6" SIC boards are different to other brands, but that's another story.
Both F16 and 17 Bullet are fast - I spent the last half of Sunday's downwinder on my knees, through lack of ability and fitness, but pretty much kept up.
Early on, it was a bit frightening, nearly throwing me off the back when it got up and surfed.
Could bore you witless with comparison measurements, but basically the 17' Bullet has a single concave for most of it's length, transitioning to a V or slight double concave at the back.
The F16 has a double concave for most of it's length, and a distinct V keel. Rail shape on both is similar at the back, but F16 has harder rails carried further forward.
Plan shape is near enough to identical from back to front until the F16 tapers sooner.
Both are massive volume boards, the 17 more so, particularly towards the front.
F16 looks like it is designed to track straight - straight rails, straight keel. 17 Bullet a bit less so.
Don't believe the difference in length is of any relevance between them - length of swell, wave period etc. Just a different solution to the same question.
F16 looks like it has massive nose rocker, but not much between them. From rough measurements, the amount of rocker is the same, it just gets there a foot and a half sooner.

Disclaimer I know nothing about this, have no technical skills or knowledge, claim no expertise, and if you think I am wrong I probably am.
But have spent a fair bit of time trying to understand these boards.

17' Naish not to be dismissed - very similar in plan profile and rail shape to the F16, much finer nose but plenty of buoyancy up there.
Sentimental favourite.

F16 on the left, "keel" and double concave obvious, 17 Bullet on the right.

Appears to be much more volume up front in the Bullet.

Angle of photo deceptive, the three are not worlds apart

Car roof rocker comparison

Only reason to be on a 14' "race" board is if you want to race.
I don't.
Much prefer a nicely designed board fit for purpose, with no compromises to make it allegedly faster to paddle 200m in conditions that never actually occur in the real world.

219 posts
11 Jun 2015 8:55AM
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Awesome reply. Thanks mate. I'l have to pull the trigger i think... my M14 suits the conditions inside the bay, and probably outside as well, but not like the bullet...

that, and i'm greedy...

QLD, 161 posts
11 Jun 2015 1:35PM
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Nozza said "Have subsequently discovered 14' and 12'6" SIC boards are different to other brands, but that's another story."

Hi Nozza..I'd be keen for you to elaborate on your thoughts in your comment above

VIC, 2859 posts
11 Jun 2015 2:01PM
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bradsdubs said..
Nozza said "Have subsequently discovered 14' and 12'6" SIC boards are different to other brands, but that's another story."

Hi Nozza..I'd be keen for you to elaborate on your thoughts in your comment above

I'll get back to you.

VIC, 3982 posts
11 Jun 2015 6:52PM
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Nozza said..

Only reason to be on a 14' "race" board is if you want to race.
I don't.
Much prefer a nicely designed board fit for purpose, with no compromises to make it allegedly faster to paddle 200m in conditions that never actually occur in the real world.

That may be true for you bigger guys, the Unlimiteds may suit your size, but if you're around the 70kg mark like me, the Unlimited boards tend to be a little bit too... what's the word? Oh that's right - "FREAKIN' AWESOME!"

Definitely GO UNLIMITED!

QLD, 1344 posts
12 Jun 2015 2:31PM
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PT what model is this ? Looks like a flat water weapon in a straight line race. 17"6 by 23 the fb post said

VIC, 3982 posts
12 Jun 2015 4:09PM
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Yeah that is the Sprint 17'6" x 23". Very much a flat water board but the fastest production board in the world. They designed it to be the fastest board for an 80kg paddler. They tested various lengths until they got the optimum length, width and weight (about 11kg). It is intended for time trials from 1km upwards. I have found the 14' board is a shade faster over 200 metres, but after that, this thing gets into a groove and you can't get near it.

They got it right in 2014, didn't change it for 2015 (apart from graphics) and I don't think I'm giving away too many secrets in saying it will be back in 2016. Sam Parker has one in Sydney, and Warwick Lee and I both have one in Melbourne.

VIC, 796 posts
12 Jun 2015 5:23PM
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Aww come on PT, when are you going to downwind it?

VIC, 3982 posts
12 Jun 2015 6:25PM
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If you picked it up, you would understand, Helmy. It feels like a 17' long tooth pick and about as fragile. I'll stick to my GT for DW - last Monday it flew 10 metres through the air in 35 knot onshore and landed on the beach without a scratch. The Sprint would have landed somewhere around Mt Dandenong and shattered into a million pieces.

QLD, 1344 posts
12 Jun 2015 8:09PM
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Cheers PT. I've seen most boards but I hadn't come across that one from memory..

How do you turn the thing in a river??

VIC, 3982 posts
12 Jun 2015 8:44PM
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Crossover bow turn is the only way of doing a 180 degree turn. No way are you kick turning this beast. Having said that, Sam Parker will probably post up a video of exactly that.

QLD, 2030 posts
12 Jun 2015 10:27PM
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Nozza said.

Appears to be much more volume up front in the Bullet.

Angle of photo deceptive, the three are not worlds apart

Car roof rocker comparison


G'day Nossa I've never paddled a 14ft Downwind board and am not likely to either to me they just look boring! I'm unlimited all the way, way more fun. I have all 3 SIC boards they are all customs.

The one on the left is a 17'6'' Bullet the only one of it's kind in Australia I won Molokai on it in the over 40's at 48yo in 2010
doing a Brunswick 2 Alley Downwind run on her tomorrow.

The one in the middle is a custom 18'6'' f18 very fast in the flat and in the ocean in winds under 15 knots it doesn't take much to get this board up to speed I've paddled her in 20+ knots winds and she takes plenty of ability to control her.then try and carry her to your truck after your done paddling in 20+ knot winds is brutal. 100% styro the only one of it's kind in Australia. there is a hollow 18'6'' f18 in Australia but I past it of "hollow boards are dogs e.g. slower than styro"

The one on the right is my favourite board it's a custom 17ft f16 Scot Trudon model 100% styro loves wind in the 25/30+ knots in moderate - large ocean swells this board surfs amazingly "Yes Please Mr Wizard" I love this board. (but she's a dog of a board in the flat, like as exciting as pi##ing into the wind)

If you have rocks in your head and love paddling into the wind the SIC 16ft STANDAMARAN is the board of choice you won't be disappointed.

Naish is a multi-million dollar company but there 17ft SUP never really took off, especially on Maui. But I saw Dave Kalama and Kai Lenny paddle the Naish 17ft SUP quit fast. But those two bloke could rip off your front door do a Maliko Downwinder on it and still smash you.

Yes the 17'6'' Starboard flat water board looks extremely fast but I find flat water paddling as boring as. Unless your doing 10x1000's sprint interval training for fitness. If the 10x1000's are done correctly your pretty much done for the rest of the day. You'll feel like Wallaby Ted's brother Roo Ted.

But watching the 200 metre sprint time trials, that should be an Olympic Sport I recon, now thats exciting to watch. Who's the guy that did it in 53 second what a weapon has that time been broken yet?

I think it's funny how unlimited boards are making a big come back her in Australia at the moment it's only because guys have never paddled the unlimited and SUP shops where on a mission to only flog you of a 14fter for a quicker turn over. It's only now that guys have had a paddle on the unlimited SUP they all want to defect to unlimited (thats the feed back I've been getting and knew it would happen) because they are a much more fun and a superior board to paddle.

VIC, 2859 posts
13 Jun 2015 3:07PM
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Downwinder said..

Nozza said.

Appears to be much more volume up front in the Bullet.

Angle of photo deceptive, the three are not worlds apart

Car roof rocker comparison


G'day Nossa I've never paddled a 14ft Downwind board and am not likely to either to me they just look boring! I'm unlimited all the way, way more fun. I have all 3 SIC boards they are all customs.

The one on the left is a 17'6'' Bullet the only one of it's kind in Australia I won Molokai on it in the over 40's at 48yo in 2010
doing a Brunswick 2 Alley Downwind run on her tomorrow.

The one in the middle is a custom 18'6'' f18 very fast in the flat and in the ocean in winds under 15 knots it doesn't take much to get this board up to speed I've paddled her in 20+ knots winds and she takes plenty of ability to control her.then try and carry her to your truck after your done paddling in 20+ knot winds is brutal. 100% styro the only one of it's kind in Australia. there is a hollow 18'6'' f18 in Australia but I past it of "hollow boards are dogs e.g. slower than styro"

The one on the right is my favourite board it's a custom 17ft f16 Scot Trudon model 100% styro loves wind in the 25/30+ knots in moderate - large ocean swells this board surfs amazingly "Yes Please Mr Wizard" I love this board. (but she's a dog of a board in the flat, like as exciting as pi##ing into the wind)

If you have rocks in your head and love paddling into the wind the SIC 16ft STANDAMARAN is the board of choice you won't be disappointed.

Naish is a multi-million dollar company but there 17ft SUP never really took off, especially on Maui. But I saw Dave Kalama and Kai Lenny paddle the Naish 17ft SUP quit fast. But those two bloke could rip off your front door do a Maliko Downwinder on it and still smash you.

Yes the 17'6'' Starboard flat water board looks extremely fast but I find flat water paddling as boring as. Unless your doing 10x1000's sprint interval training for fitness. If the 10x1000's are done correctly your pretty much done for the rest of the day. You'll feel like Wallaby Ted's brother Roo Ted.

But watching the 200 metre sprint time trials, that should be an Olympic Sport I recon, now thats exciting to watch. Who's the guy that did it in 53 second what a weapon has that time been broken yet?

I think it's funny how unlimited boards are making a big come back her in Australia at the moment it's only because guys have never paddled the unlimited and SUP shops where on a mission to only flog you of a 14fter for a quicker turn over. It's only now that guys have had a paddle on the unlimited SUP they all want to defect to unlimited (thats the feed back I've been getting and knew it would happen) because they are a much more fun and a superior board to paddle.

If you ever get sick (SIC?) of any of those boards, give me a call.
I'm just starting out, and find the security of the big boards really good.
Mind you, I had a very nice paddle on my 12'6" Bullet this morning, surfing micro swells on Port Phillip Bay.
When you say 17' F16, is that the v bottom double concave stretched out?
Sounds brilliant.

VIC, 17460 posts
13 Jun 2015 4:31PM
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An oldie but a goodie..

VIC, 2859 posts
13 Jun 2015 7:26PM
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Not sure how I did this.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Melbourne Winter Downwinder vid." started by DavidJohn