Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

My paddle between the flags.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 12 Mar 2008
VIC, 17517 posts
12 Mar 2008 8:53AM
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The other day I went for my daily flat water paddle and took my camera along with me.

I started at Mentone beach lifesaving club and thought I would paddle to the next beach a few kilometers away..It was a beautiful day with a warm North wind blowing offshore.


I had been paddling for about half an hour and saw some pelicans in the water up ahead so I stopped and got my camera out for some pics.


I was now sitting on my board drifting towards the pelicans and I noticed an odd looking sea bird amongst the seagull on the rocks..See it here on the bottom left of this pic..

It was much bigger than the other birds and grey in color.


I took another pic of the pelicans and hadn't noticed that the grey bird had flown away..but later spotted it in the air in this shot..Upper left corner..(all blurred)


I thought seeing I'm sitting down I'll have a bit to eat..I had some bread with me..I tossed a little bread in the water ahead..and the seagulls did what seagulls do.

Here's a couple of shots of them frozen in the air.


These are Cormerants..another common local seabird here..Everytime I paddle near them they s**t into the water before flying off..It's like they try and make themselves as light as poss before take-off.


The sun on the green sea-weed looked almost fluro green through my polarized sunglasses..and not quite as bright colored in the photos.


My shadow...btw my little camera was not waterproof so I was getting brave taking pics while standing..but brave could suddenly turn to stupid if I had fallen in.

I had my Crocs on because of all the rocks and shallow water..Some water was so shallow that I often expected my fin to touch.


Mmmm..carbon..mmmm...I love the look of the sun on my carbon fiber paddle.


Once I got around the point I cold see all the people swimming at Beaumaris beach..and the flags that they should swim between..It is patrolled by Beaumaris life saving club.


The lifesavers paddle boards were very similar to my 10'6" Naish.


It was time to relax before my paddle back and I had brought a nice cold drink for the trip....Cheers.


Heading back I stopped for a few more water shots..I liked this second pic with the shine on the water (bottom left) looking like diamonds in the water.


I stayed close to the cliffs to keep out of the howling north wind...and there where more diamonds in the water ahead.

You would not think there were white caps further out.


There were also lots of boats parked in the sheltered water..I stopped and chatted to a few people on boats as I paddled past..

Some offered me cold drinks..Most were curious about the board and this strange thing that I was doing.


I am now back at Mentone beach.

Those red and yellow flags on the beach are for the Mentone life saving club..and they are always telling people to.."Swim between the flags".

Hope you liked my pictures...Some of us don't get waves like some of you lucky buggers do..


SA, 804 posts
12 Mar 2008 10:52AM
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Once again cool pic's DJ, some very nice veiws of the cliffs . I know what you

mean about the waves mate but when the waters calm and there's not much

breeze a nice cruise takes all those daily stresses away.....aaaahhhh

WA, 7608 posts
12 Mar 2008 11:14PM
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I like. Keep em coming

WA, 6277 posts
13 Mar 2008 12:16AM
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Wow, brings back memories of going spearfishing (and catching SFA) in the background of pic 1... There was this massive bait ball of little fish, would have been well into the tens of thousands of the little buggers, making a circle around me as I swam along. Birds divebombing them, the works.

Thanks for sharing

WA, 659 posts
13 Mar 2008 12:58AM
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Pretty sure that "grey" bird is a Mutton Bird.

VIC, 299 posts
13 Mar 2008 11:08AM
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Juvenile Pacific Gull


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"My paddle between the flags." started by DavidJohn