It's one of the two new Naish Alana boards.. and I have heaps of pics..
Oooh.. Is that the time.. Jeez I've gotta go to work.. I'll post all my girlie board pics later..
Same shape and specs as the Mana??
It would be good if they put a little more thought into it rather than just hiring a designer to draw up
a flower graphic. Some women (and lightweights) could do with a smaller type Mana.
That swallow is one of the most popular tattoos here in Australia so people might be into it. Maybe they
could do one with an Southern cross.
Questions and answers from Robbie Naish to his marketing team.
Robbie: Research is showing chicks are getting into this stand up paddling caper, how can we target this growing market and build a board that is going to make us maximum dollars for minimal outlay?
Marketing Team: Let's put some pink stickers on our existing boards and then get DJ to photograph them and post them on