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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Namotu by Dave Kalama

Created by Downwinder > 9 months ago, 1 Sep 2010
QLD, 2037 posts
1 Sep 2010 6:52AM
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If you have a bucket list and Namotu isn’t at the top of it, then put it there. I just got back from Namotu, Fiji and I can’t believe that I haven’t been there in eleven years. I used to go there at least once a year all through the nineties and a lot of times I would go twice a year. I used to look at it as my mental therapy. Sort of like before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. Meaning life is so clear and simple when I’m there. No bills, no rush hour, no phones (though you can use one if you want), no driving, no kids fighting, no pressure!! Just surf, eat (great food), drink Fiji bitters and hang with your friends.

Scotty and Mandy (the managers) have done such a great job at creating a vibe that is just perfect for a little five acre island in the middle of paradise. Namotu lefts just seem to go on forever and are perfect for stand up especially when the current starts to move in or out. Swimming pools is probably my favorite wave in the world. You never feel like you’re in danger. You can long or short board it and again it’s perfect for stand up. It’s got a barrel then a big cut back, and it’s easy to square off the bottom and hit the lip. It’s just a really easy wave to have fun on. Imagine Malibu on it’s best day ever then clean it up a bit, crystallize the water, put the water temp. at 76 degrees, take away the crowd, put Tavarua in the back ground and ta-daa!!! You’ve got pools. Now that the reef rights have opened, if you want to step your game up you can go to Cloud Break, but it can be crowded so be prepared. I prefer the mellowness of the Namotu line ups.

The staff on the island are incredible and a lot of so called resorts could learn from them when it comes to hospitality. They are so friendly and greet you by name in the morning, and their bulas and vinakas never feel forced or contrived. In fact, I would say the friendliness of the people is just as big of a reason to go there as any. The snorkeling is world class and if you bring along non-surfing friends they will take you fishing everyday if you want. Chances are you will be eating whatever you catch by dinner.

I can’t tell you enough about how much I enjoyed myself while I was there. The group of people I was with helped to make it such a terrific experience. Chances are if you take a trip down you just might see me there. In fact I’m already starting to set up a Kalama Kamp on Namotu for next year. If you do one thing for yourself this year, do Namotu!



QLD, 4177 posts
1 Sep 2010 9:54AM
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sounds like a real surfers paradise , i was thinking Maldives next year.This place sounds unreal probably quite a bit cheaper too.

Is their much to do for Kids?who dont surf!

QLD, 2039 posts
1 Sep 2010 10:53AM
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Andrew, my understanding is not really, I have been keen for a while to head over but can't see my wife enjoying it there. And there is no way I will get to go to Fiji without her.

I know a few people with families that have based themselves at Plantation Is and then tripped out to Namotu, or arranged to just stay a few days out there. That seemed to work to keep everyone happier.

Other option is that a big group of people with families all head over together

QLD, 4177 posts
1 Sep 2010 2:49PM
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Cheers , ill have to get my Wife and Daughter to catch the sup bug.

NSW, 72 posts
1 Sep 2010 11:08PM
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I went their last year and of the 18 or so guest on the island about 6 didn't surf at all. If you're only there for a week there is plenty of snokelling, island hoping and a few other things to do for none surfers. I'd totally recommend it. Scott and the rest of the team are awesome. My only problem with the place was that responsible service of alcohol doesn't exist and i drunk way too much each night. The deck chairs certainly are a comfortable place to sleep after a few too many fiji bitters or namotu slammers!

QLD, 2037 posts
2 Sep 2010 6:56AM
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G'day Chookman78
You mist it last night because out came the snorkel for the SKULL DRAG I got the side bets going for the person who does the draw back (too funny to watch) yes I got fly blown & yes I have not been that drunk since last year the last time I was here & yes I'am SO hung over right now& the guest want me to take them to Cloud Break (help me please Mr Wizard). The chef is just a mess I'd hate to be in his shoes today.

QLD, 4 posts
2 Sep 2010 1:55PM
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Good job filthy, do they have Millers tinnies there?? Keallz

QLD, 2037 posts
2 Sep 2010 2:22PM
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simonk said...

Good job filthy, do they have Millers tinnies there?? Keallz

G'day SimonK
Mate had bulk fun on Maui paddling Maliko 2-3 timmes a day you mist it.

Only the best - Fiji Bitter on Namotu this new company that sell VONU beer in Fiji it tastes like perfume (yuk) anyway this company did a test on the Fiji Bitter got 100 stubbies & tested everyone & the beers ranged from 2% to 18% so thats why some days you wake up with the biggest headace after a night on FIJI BITTER


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Namotu by Dave Kalama" started by Downwinder