It may actually be in early March - that's when the Australian Canoeing sprint titles are being held and the two events are usually combined.
I heard a rumour that it would be back in Sydney this year as its an olympic year (that may only be wishful thinking though)
Nothing official has been announced for SUP but discussion at this year's event was WA. Aust Canoeing web site appears to be saying Champion Lakes in WA on the weekend of March 6th. I will up date AuSUP Face Book page when the event is confirmed.
Hi Guys
Yes the 2016 AuSUP SUPfest Australian Flatwater championships are on in Peth next year at champion lakes in March.
Details will be up soon on AuSUP TC and FB once I get them confirmed from AuSUP and AC. There will be billeting available and limited board hire.
SUPfest sub comm