Nice video and nice relaxed music
Your board storage system must be fantastic given the number you must have
Yep the 9.5 mana is defiantly suited to your wave the wood ..
I've gone crazy too a wood 11' nalu ..coming.
the fins ,do they make a lot of difference to the factory fins?
Have you tried surfing your boards with a single fin vs with the tri? Don't have much time on my 9'5" (Sunova), but it sure paddles quicker and straighter with a single.
This is a 71/2 inch long board fin I use on my 10' Mana for flat water paddling. Have it set back in the box as you can see. It improves the tracking considerably and you can get 3 or so extra paddle strokes either side. I have only recently started doing this and should try it without the side fins. I haven't used the big fin in the surf, will give it a try at some stage but I imagine it will not be suited for the design of the Mana which is not a longboard style SUP.
Great video DJ I'm still trying to decide on wether I buy a Mana 10 Or Nalu 10.6 both seem great boards been leaning towards mana only because it's wider and probably more stable just wondering how gold it is on flat water paddling, paddle Nalu seems great just thought it may be a bit tippy for a new comer in the surf what do you recon mate I'm heading back down the coast in a couple weeks to demo both boards be great to hear some pro& cons on each boards
Hi DJ,just wondering if you found any real difference between your new or old board as in weight,stability,ride,turning etc...?
At 85kgs I'm thinking the big 33'' wide 10' Mana is a bit overkill..
If I was 85kg I'd be choosing between the 9'5'' Mana and the 10'6'' Nalu.. and if it's mostly for flat water I'd pick the Nalu..
Hi Scotchman
I am 85 kg about 177cm, after a lot of research and getting great advice from the forum and especially from DJ I bought a mana GTW 9.5.
i am glad I didnot go bigger or smaller, very nice board to paddle, flat water or surf. Harder to paddle when windy but I am a beginner and lack technique.
i am more than satisfied with my purchase?? It catches the smallest of waves!
good luck