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Noosa Festival BOP race 2015 Results and Pics

Created by JonesySUP > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2015
QLD, 872 posts
8 Mar 2015 10:35AM
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A Big thank you to all the SUP sponsors...
Major Sponsor "Mass Nutrition Noosa" You guys ROCK!
Ocean Addicts, Rip curl M'dore, SUP Fun Cotton Tree and World Safaris.

Amateur Race..
1st 40s Amt Men Chris Carter 21:50
Andrew Worling 22:22
1st 50s Amt Men Shane Lynch 22:51
1st Open Amt men Nathan Hollands 23:15
Nick McDonald 23:44
Jason Oliphant 24:10
Jason Tate 24:55
Andrew Leith 25:06
Lachie Lansdown 25:27
Peter Kelly 26:06
1st Open Amt Women Kenzie Carlstrom 26:10
Mike White 26:26
Robert Eyrie 26:32
1st 40s Amt Women Emma Clake 26:35
Sharlene Cribb 26:56
Mark White 27:10
Jaz Caldeccat 27:15
1st 50s Amt woman Paulie Walker 27:40
Erica Hamp 28:00
Tony Nahrung 28:10
Katrina Harrison 28:30
Jason Anderson 29:29
Wendy King 30:01

Pro Race..
1st Open men Pro Jake Jenson 24:20
James Casey 24:21
Jayden Jenson 24:45
Matt Nottage 24:52
Lincoln Dews 25:37
Oliver Murphy 25:43
Andy Davies 25:52
Tim Cyprien 25:56
Ryan Keck 26:00
1st 40s Pro Troy Peasey 26:05
Belar Diaz 26:30
Paul Jones 26:31
Ben Tardre 26:54
Matt Poole 26:57
Paul Mc 27:10
Brendon Clark 27:20
1st Woman Pro Shakira Westdrop 27:25
Rouys Alexandra 27:28
Cam Cole 27:40
Dyllan Constable 27:50
Bernd Rogediger 27:58
Dale Chapman 28:05
Anthony Clake 28:15
Paul Cribb 28:32
1st 50s Pro Johno Walker
Brad Ridolfi 29:00
Chole Walkerdene 29:16
Paul Cribb 29:24
1st Jnr Pro Bryan Lloyd 29:53
Ke'ale Dorris 30:25
Cliff Murry 30:35
Kate Baker 30:47
Nigel Milne 31:58
Neil Pearson 32:10
1st 40s Woman Pro Vanessa Caley 32:13
Melissa McManus 32:15
Pete Dorris DNF thanks for coming up mate..

Cheers Jonesy

QLD, 872 posts
8 Mar 2015 10:46AM
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QLD, 872 posts
8 Mar 2015 2:01PM
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Keep the Pics coming.......PS If I missed anyone from the result "sorry"

NSW, 622 posts
8 Mar 2015 4:51PM
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Noosa BOP Results update. Big shout out to Paul Jonesy for his hard work in running a great event this year with 67 paddlers finishing!!!!!!!!! Thats a huge effort and great results. Despite the lack of swell it was still and awesome fun race. Mass Nutrition Noosa, RipCurl Maroochydore, Ocean Addicts, World Surfaris, and SUP Fun Cotton Tree all sponsored this event in a huge way contributing to its massive success. Apologies if there is any confusion in the results as it was a mission decrypting some hand writing. Bring on next year!!

QLD, 171 posts
9 Mar 2015 9:52AM
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After great event at Foster now followed by another great event at Noosa no pressure for the next event. Lol lol
Great to see these events growing and been run so smoothly!!!!!

QLD, 35 posts
9 Mar 2015 10:39AM
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Next one is 12 Towers. this is going to be epic

QLD, 872 posts
9 Mar 2015 11:01AM
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QLD, 872 posts
9 Mar 2015 6:38PM
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Ok....... It's Thank you Time............
A thank you must go to Mass Nutrition Noosa! You guys have stepped this event up to FROTH level 101, also the AMAZING KeNalu, RipCurl Maroochydore, Ocean Addicts, World Surfaris, and SUP Fun Cotton Tree for donating all the prizes!
A big thank you to Dyllan Constable. He started setting up at 6am and we didn't stop till 8pm cheers mate. Also Bryn Lloyd as my right hand grom and
Ryan Keck for helping me with the rego's and calibrating the results.
Thank you to the Sunshine Coast SUP club for lending me their race singlets.
Nick McDonald for getting all his Bris SUP nuts to have a go and make the event one big smile fest.
To all the long distance travellers that drove hours up and hours back home.
Plus Anthony Swan and Trevor Tunnington for making the race amplified.
All the Noosa Festival crew for supporting SUPing in arguably the biggest and best surf comp in Oz.
My Sponsors KeNalu and Walk on Water for suppling me with the best race gear in the world.
Lastly to all the competitors that raced, family members that put up with our crazyness, the micro groms that cheered Mum and Dad over the finish line and mother nature for a cracker of a day....
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW Jonesy over and out.

QLD, 872 posts
18 Mar 2015 12:05PM
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QLD, 96 posts
18 Mar 2015 2:22PM
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Thanks for posting the pics Jonesy. For anyone who doesn't know the full range of images from the BOP (and sup surfing) at Noosa are up at our website under the Noosa Festival of Surfing tab (choose either Saturday 7th or Sunday 8th March depending on your event). Hi Res digital images available for purchase, email me at if you have any queries. Cheers Dave


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Noosa Festival BOP race 2015 Results and Pics" started by JonesySUP