Hi all, just started paddling a 12.6 x 30 x 4.7 isup (mostly flatwater crusing)
As I don't have a dedicated paddle for this size board yet I've been experimenting with my surf paddle which is 4" over, and my adjustable paddle at 8" over (which I figure should be perfect)
Obviously the surf paddle is too short, but I pull up ok, other than very mild back discomfort after 5+ ks, but when I paddle with the adjustable on 8" over I pull up every time with shoulder discomfort!!
So I guess my question is: can my flatwater 12.6 paddle be too short in reality, or is it really personal preference as per a surf paddle ??
Shoulder pain means that my paddle is too long for the board.
Back pain means that my paddle is too short for the board.
Those may not be applicable to all, but they are my findings after messing around with various board volumes and paddle lengths. I have also found that over time I am enjoying going shorter - I use a paddle that reaches my forehead even on my most buoyant sup at 187 litres, whereas about a year ago I would have been using a paddle slightly longer than me on this same board. On my smaller surf sups I am enjoying the paddle at around the tip of my nose. This could be because I am getting lower when paddling and my back has strengthened and I've become fitter? Hopefully.
Thanks for the input. So maybe I should start with my adjustable at my surf paddles length and start extending it to get more length and reach but stay a half step ahead of the shoulder pain length
Yup, that's exactly what I would do. There will be a happy place somewhere between those 4 and 8 inches.