Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Paddle to the Pearl Cruise ship

Created by jt737 > 9 months ago, 29 Jul 2014
QLD, 418 posts
29 Jul 2014 10:21PM
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AOCRA and Panamuna outrigging club has a unique race coming up on Sat August 16th being either a 8 or 16 km race from the Mooloolaba Spit out to within 30m of the P & O "Pearl" cruise liner anchored in the bay. Entry is about $28. The race is for SUP's, ski's and outriggers.

QLD, 418 posts
10 Aug 2014 5:52PM
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Please note that registration for this event will close Wednesday night with NO entries on the beach on the day.......

This process is only for Non-AOCRA members paddling SKIs or SUPS.
Go to
Click on “Race Registrations” from the left hand menu panel
> Locate Panamuna Race 2 entry (16/08/14) and click “Race Registration” on right.
Click on “I am not a member but want to nominate for an event”
> Complete your registration details then click on “Submit”
> Locate your craft/division in the column beneath “Other craft and SKIs”
> Enter a ‘1’ in the appropriate box
> The cost will be displayed as Race Fee $20 and Day License (for insurance) $8
> Click on “Proceed”
> Click on “Next”
> Check that the displayed registration details are correct.
> Proceed to payment

QLD, 418 posts
10 Aug 2014 5:54PM
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QLD, 418 posts
13 Aug 2014 9:52AM
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Further clarification from the organiser on how to enter.
Simply put, if a non-AOCRA paddler wants to paddle a SKI or a SUP in EITHER RACE they just put a 1 in the last column, marked "OTHER CRAFTS SKI LONG COURSE 16KM". They should then enter into the notes section whether they want short or long, ski or SUP. This should total $28.
If they want to do both races, in either ski or SUP, then they put a 1 in the last column as above AND a 1 in the second last column, STAND UP SHORT COURSE 8KM. It doesn't matter what the heading says, they can specify their craft in the notes. This should total $48.

Finally, we will be assigning numbers for each ski/SUP paddler to wear on their arm.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddle to the Pearl Cruise ship" started by jt737