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Paddling Tsoi Lik Lagoon

Created by Lobes > 9 months ago, 2 Mar 2011
885 posts
2 Mar 2011 10:37AM
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I just got back from a weekend trip to a place called Tsoi Lik in New Ireland province, Papua New Guinea. It has some pretty amazing water there. We got really good waves too but unfortunately not many pictures of that because my photographer was too busy reading a book, walking on the beach etc... oh well

NSW, 903 posts
2 Mar 2011 1:56PM
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Hard life..

QLD, 389 posts
2 Mar 2011 1:27PM
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Wow, what a beautiful part of the world, thats my idea of a holiday! Thanks for the pics.

885 posts
2 Mar 2011 2:15PM
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Some more pictures of the breaks we surfed, Long Longs and Ral Isaland. Not very much info in the photos but you get the idea...

QLD, 1538 posts
2 Mar 2011 4:28PM
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Magic looking place Lobes. Thanks for the pics.

What baord are you surfing on those breaks?


885 posts
2 Mar 2011 2:37PM
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I took two boards; Starboard 9'8 Element and the 10'5 Drive.

It was a bit flat and fat waves when I got there on thursday so I mainly surfed the drive but Monday morning was a bit more size and speed and good for the 9'8

NSW, 3768 posts
2 Mar 2011 5:48PM
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Wow. That looks like a beautiful place. Lucky Lobes.

Zimbo Reagan
WA, 469 posts
2 Mar 2011 4:34PM
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Cool shot Lobes. Looks like a magical spot, any villages near you or was it pretty much just you guys?

PS you look a bit sunburnt in the first shot or it could be the camera.

Just realised might not be you

QLD, 2039 posts
2 Mar 2011 7:55PM
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So close yet so far, I'm spending every second week in Moresby at the moment but havent found the time to travel to the north.

Hmmm might have to see what the schedule can fit it in, how did you go getting there etc?

885 posts
3 Mar 2011 4:54AM
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Zimbo yeah the first shot isn't me. He's a pom that's why he's so pink. There was a small fishing settlement near us but the nearest proper village was a boat trip away.

Aus301 we flew from moresby to kavieng about 2 hrs then tsoi lik is about another 1.5 hrs by boat. It's worth getting at least to kavieng if you have a chance.

QLD, 7079 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:47AM
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Nice shots Lobes , brings back some memories


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddling Tsoi Lik Lagoon" started by Lobes