Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Paddling over whitewater vid.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 21 Jan 2015
VIC, 17457 posts
21 Jan 2015 2:49PM
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NSW, 92 posts
22 Jan 2015 9:14AM
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Thanks for posting this vid DJ,

I learnt something from it to try next time. Negotiating whitewater is definitely a skill set that dramatically improves the SUP experience in surf and IMO can be very satisfying in itself when you make some decent waves that you thought were out of your limits.

I recently pushed my limits and had a cracker session in 4-5ft surf a week ago at Culburra (NSW south coast) and surprisingly stayed more upright than not while punching out. However my session ground to a halt when I twisted my knee badly while kneeling instead of standing as I was trying to race out quickly to beat the set after catching a wave. The board rolled slightly the moment after I tried to punch through the breaking lip and I fell off but my right lower leg stayed connected to the board as the wave caught the board and ripped it backwards. I will never forget the feeling of my knee cracking like twisting a chicken bone. I guess I was unlucky but also realised that I would have been better off standing considering that I had been making a lot of waves that were the same size as the one that injured me.

A week on now and I only just started to get my leg mobile and overnight now have reasonable movement in my leg/knee without too much pain so I think I have dodged a bullet. I thought I had really stuffed it!

Timing seems everything when negotiating whitewater although sometimes you don't really have a choice so a full bag a tricks helps.

Personally, I would like to see more SUP surfing vids showing this kind of stuff......even when it is not successful as it keeps it real.

Why don't we get to see this? as I think everyone has "gumby" moments.

QLD, 8 posts
22 Jan 2015 8:48PM
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Fair enough...there are are other postings same that works for me is to paddle hard at the white water and position your blade over the back of the white water, bent knees.....more so as a steading technique...if you need , then make the stroke... terms of bigger waves , or if you are about to be run over, "run" to the back of the board and "flip" it over the you fall off stay under the water an extra few seconds...come up with you your paddle (or arm) covering your head....if you do this "right", your board will land next to you, rather than on top (of you)...
I have yet to develop a defensive technique (against being run over at $xxx for repairs) for laying down paddling out...but I am thinking...let go of paddle...hand paddle board in the least dangerous position...hope for best...


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddling over whitewater vid." started by DavidJohn