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Paddling with the Dolphins today.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 8 Apr 2009
VIC, 17456 posts
9 Apr 2009 12:37AM
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Today at St Kilda.

Mick and I where checking out the penguins swimming around us when all of a sudden we had company..

We were out numbered about two to one..

I could have got some great shots but was a bit slow to get the camera out.

There's something special about being close to dolphins..


NSW, 116 posts
9 Apr 2009 5:06AM
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Wow, that's great Dave. Really special, and you got some great pics. I saw my first turtle in Waikiki yesterday, that was pretty special as well. You get to see a lot more from the Stand Up which is great.

QLD, 1372 posts
9 Apr 2009 8:40AM
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It is a great feeling to have those animals so close. There is something special almost majestic about them.

I had an experience with one a few years back whist fishing offshore. It must have been a captured and released one from seaworld as it came to the boat and stuck its head up to say hello. After initially refusing to feed it as it put its head on the side of the boat I finally gave in and feed it some of the pillchards. After a half hour and still unable to put a line in, I had feed half of the fresh squid and pilchard to my new friend. With the desire to take home some fish to eat for my family and not wanting to hook my friend i pulled up the anchor and took off at speed to a new reef about 8km away. As i sped off my friend was racing his best in leaps to catch up. I lost site of him after about a kilometre and arrived at the new reef hoping to get a catch. Set the anchor and baited the hooks, before the line got wet up pops my friend placing his head on the side of the boat and saying hello again (he new he had found a soft touch). He ate the rest of my bait over the next hour and even let me pat his head. I have often wodered who is smarter, them or us.

Best fishing trip i have ever had without getting a line wet.

David, Is that a Gopro camera and if so what would I expect to pay for one. (Plus where is the best place to get one)


VIC, 3516 posts
9 Apr 2009 9:09AM
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nothing like starting a morning out like that, your very lucky.

We have a Dolphin living in the river down our way and it has become some what of a tourist attraction.

A group of guys tried to encircle it last weekend and the dolphin lashed out with its tail in panic and scared their pants off, I think people forget they are wild animals.

The next thing you know its deemed to be a danger and there were all sorts of calls for it to be relocated and some even wanted to shoot it!

If they all stayed back and just left it be there wouldnt be an issue.


WA, 554 posts
9 Apr 2009 8:49AM
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Great photos.

Had similar when I was at Augusta, paddling around the mouth of the Blackwood River with my neice onboard as well.

Pod of about 8, including two young, swimming around and under the board whilst my neice just stared in amazement.

VIC, 47 posts
9 Apr 2009 11:05AM
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Well done DJ!!
I actually saw some Dolphins out there at St Kilda Pier last Saturday morning around 8am. Unfortuantely I don't take a camera out but thinking now I probably should! There were about 5 out just in front of the breakwater. Just me and them, I felt absolutely blessed!
Might head down tomorrow morning again same time if anyone's interested?
Sounds like they're hanging around!

1672 posts
9 Apr 2009 6:55PM
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Had some great moments with Dolphins around south west wa, something super cool about being In the water with these Real Surfers That was a great story about the one who kept feeding off the boat Classic!

VIC, 980 posts
9 Apr 2009 9:01PM
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OG SUP said...


nothing like starting a morning out like that, your very lucky.

We have a Dolphin living in the river down our way and it has become some what of a tourist attraction.

A group of guys tried to encircle it last weekend and the dolphin lashed out with its tail in panic and scared their pants off, I think people forget they are wild animals.

The next thing you know its deemed to be a danger and there were all sorts of calls for it to be relocated and some even wanted to shoot it!

If they all stayed back and just left it be there wouldnt be an issue.


A couple of us were windsurfing in the river a few weeks ago and as we were walking the rigs upwind on the edge of the channel, the dolphin was swimming up under the boards for a look. Had to keep a sharp look out as we launched to make sure he was out of the way. Was pretty awesome just watching him so close, interacting with us.

QLD, 2039 posts
9 Apr 2009 9:26PM
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Ha, what a well timed topic. I was out at main beach Port Macquarie early this morning and found myself out the back, a few shortboard riders were in close but nobody out with me, and at one stage was surrounded by 10 to 15 dolphins.

These guys were amazing, riding the waves beside me, jumping out of the water left right and centre. It was like they were putting a show on for me. And every now and then would pop up right beside my board to have a look at me.

I have been in the water with dolphins before, but this was the most amazing experience I have ever had. Certainly one I will never forget. The waves weren't great, but this will go down as one of my best surfs ever.

WA, 986 posts
9 Apr 2009 8:01PM
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Nice shots DJ.

VIC, 3516 posts
9 Apr 2009 10:48PM
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Hey Ocean Blue,

Well I paddle most evenings on the river and you always know that hes there.

I have seen a few windsurfers on the water but I havent seen him approach them so i think you were pretty lucky.

Few people understand the beauty of the Barwon it has so much more to offer away from the usual touro haunts.

Glad you had such a close encounter.


NSW, 1016 posts
9 Apr 2009 11:42PM
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I had a pod swim past me at Christmas,so I jumped in with them,check out the sound they make as they swim past

3952 posts
9 Apr 2009 10:08PM
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I saw two of them them there this morning - a mother and baby. I followed them from a distance right around the breakwater and then they were all around me swimming underneath my board and right next to me. I could hear them breathing and I even saw the mother with a big fish in her mouth.

WA, 24860 posts
10 Apr 2009 3:31PM
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Prone surfed Snapper today and there were around a dozen sitting out the back waitting for the bomb sets to roll in,they realy are the best surfers on the planet!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddling with the Dolphins today." started by DavidJohn