Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Perth Paddling Clinics

Created by petedorries > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2013
QLD, 700 posts
24 Oct 2013 5:20PM
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I am off to Perth on the weekend of 30 November/1 December to run some paddling clinics.

These are open to all. Beginner to Elite.
There will also be a DOWNWIND Clinic.

Contact: - Darran Marshal at Action Sports WA on 08 9245 3884
Ian Grose at Auswind Ph:08 9244 4446

Private lessons available on Friday November 29 or Monday 2nd Dec.

0403 409335 For more details or to book.

Pete Dorries

WA, 221 posts
24 Oct 2013 5:14PM
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That's great news Pete! Stoked you are heading West for some clinics.

Looking forward to meeting you when you are over for a private lesson so I can beat Stimo in the Cut race this year.

Kym Roberts
SA, 254 posts
25 Oct 2013 5:28PM
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Cmon whens the sa clinic. .. :)

QLD, 700 posts
25 Oct 2013 5:32PM
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December. A Sunday.
Details coming soon......

QLD, 700 posts
25 Oct 2013 9:25PM
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And there are DOWNWINDING Clinics but numbers will be low for these so call Ian Grose for more info or to book.

The Downwinding clinic last year was very successful so don't miss out......

WA, 874 posts
26 Oct 2013 10:30PM
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Wezzy said..

That's great news Pete! Stoked you are heading West for some clinics.

Looking forward to meeting you when you are over for a private lesson so I can beat Stimo in the Cut race this year.

Had a one on one lesson today with mr DC quote shark attack lets do a DW then go to pub may be able to film a shark What tha [:D

WA, 874 posts
26 Oct 2013 10:34PM
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Pete push it back a extra week and race in the king of the cut race some big names heading over so I here $$$ too the windiest months for sure epic run if conditions all line up

Ian Grose
TAS, 423 posts
Site Sponsor
27 Oct 2013 5:45PM
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Easier option instead of calling me is to go to our FB page you can book and pay on line, only just got it up yesterday.

Saturday 30th November Afternoon 2 x Downwind Clinics (Only 6 per group)
Sunday 1st December Morning 2 x Flat Water clinics (Only 8 per group)

The guys that did the clinics with us last year benefited hugely with improved technic, so hopefully see you there.

Ian Grose
TAS, 423 posts
Site Sponsor
17 Nov 2013 4:20PM
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We still have Downwind clinics available on Saturday 30th November plus Flat Water clinics Sunday 1st December.

So make a booking either at:-

Or on FB :-

The guys that did the clinics with us last year benefited hugely with improved technic, so hopefully see you there.

WA, 35 posts
17 Nov 2013 2:37PM
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Thanks for the reminder Ian. Just booked 2 spots for the 30 Nov 5pm session!

4 posts
17 Nov 2013 9:15PM
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HI Ian

so does no product availability mean the intro DW clinic is booked out?



Ian Grose
TAS, 423 posts
Site Sponsor
28 Nov 2013 9:16PM
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All of the Downwind Clinics on Saturday are fully booked.

But the good news is we still have Flat Water clinics available on Sunday 1st December.

So make a booking on FB :-

The guys that did the clinics with us last year benefited hugely with improved technic, so hopefully see you there.

WA, 221 posts
29 Nov 2013 5:39PM
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Had a clinic with Pete this morning, and can't rave enough how good it was!!
Amazing coach and learnt more in one session with him than the last 3 years of being in the sport!!
If you get a chance to do one of his clinics while he is here you will be very happy you made the effort, regardless of whether you are a beginner or advanced paddler.
Thanks again Pete for a great session.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Perth Paddling Clinics" started by petedorries