I get asked a lot about how to turn a SUP when surfing, and my answer is always "Move your feet more"
It doesn't matter if you are on an 8ft board or 14ft board, if you simply stand there in the centre of the board, you will not be able to get the most out of your turns.
I thought I would tape a gopro to the tail of my 10ft J-Hawk noserider to see how much footwork I actually do. This day was around head high on a sucky right hand reef break (with no one out)
The gopro ended up being under water more than I would have liked (will need to make up a higher mount) but you can still get the idea of how much my back foot moves from rail to rail during turns.
Excellent stuff Mick!! You should do more of these from different camera angles. And how's that begging but with the logo!! I thought I was at Hoyts for a second!
Awesome stuff .... Its so hard to make sure you on the tail too ... Esp when its cooking its like the last thing u think about
Thanks for the reminder Surefire. I had a fun session yesterday keeping that in mind and it definitely helped. Also when I get back on the prone longboard I find the sup surfing has somehow helped my basic style.
Great little vid mate, it definitely is something that you feel makes a massive difference when you get it right.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
I didn't actually know I moved my feet around that much. Sometimes it doesn't take that much movement, as you can see around 43 secs I move it over towards the rail a little more to fully engage the bottom turn
Then on wave 2 at 1:07 secs I move my back foot over to the rail to set up bottom turn, then at 1:12 I move it again only a few mm which might seem pointless and not worth it, but it is based on feel and knowing what you want the board to do.
The more you start to move around the more comfortable you will get and the more you will be able to manoeuvre your board around.
I have just bought a gooseneck gopro mount so will film some more once it arrives and hopefully the camera will stay out of the water more.