Ange comes out in front in australias best womenrs field we have seen in a long time. Well done chic
Kelly the old head wins the mens ahead of guys he is twice the age of. Freak of a paddler that was a stacked field. People dream of coming top ten at the cali bop. In australia you have to dream of coming top 10 too look how many freak paddlers we have in these racers.
Oh and looks like dorries takes the win for over 40's too
Close racing by the looks of the times , your dead right Australian paddling talent runs deep. The young guys can learn a lot from Kelly , he reads conditions better than most. As the old saying goes you cant put an old head on young shoulders.
The 2nd placed lady (Terenne) would have won but she left her board on the run up the beach and had to go back to carry it across the line.
Really fun racing and super tight, the level is so good and to push with all these guys really keeps eveyone on top of their game.
Just another event that shows age is no barrier and if you want something then its only yourself that is holding you back!
Should be super tough today with the long course and what could be some very tricky flatwater conditions.
"Age is no barrier" to what? Taking part, or winning. Because if it's the latter, come back in another 10 years and show me your wins.
Up to age 40-45ish, the male body can show relatively little decline in athletic performance (especially strength). But after age 50 your powers of recovery starts to decline which limits the amount of training you can do. Of course there are some genetic freaks who manage to age exceptionally well, but there's a reason why Dave Kalama isn't beating Kai Lenny these days, and it's not lack of talent or willpower.
So please stop it with this "age doesn't matter" stuff. I know you are just trying to be encouraging and inspiring. But I think it's counter-productive. What older people need is acknowledgment of the issues that they face in training and competition (if they decide to compete), and sensible discussion about how to minimise the effects of ageing. Saying age doesn't matter just isn't true and runs the risk of sounding either trite or patronising. You haven't reached the age yet where ageing effects really start to bite. So of course from your perspective it doesn't seem to matter much. You might think that Kelly M is an old guy, but to some of us he's just a youngster.
Area10 and paulj
You are both correct. Have a good positive attitude and look after your self and you can achieve great things but as pointed out by Area10. Put a 20 something old against a 50 something old, I'd put money on the 20 yr old to win. As pointed out also, there are freaks that will hand a 20 yr old his arse to him at the finish line
Paulj I don't think Area 10 was being nasty or negative , how many over 50's were up in the top 10? Not many
You are both right,, no denying father time creeps up on us all as well as past injuries and bad life choices. But most of us let him creep up way too soon because we have been conditioned to believe once we hit a certain number athletically we are gunners, it's not about winning it's about having that feeling you had when you where in your twenties, feeling strong, alert and ready for anything. You can feel like that if you are prepared to do the work on Yr fitness, diet and outlook. Yes you may not beat Kai Lenny or anyone else but you will feel Great, then you will think age is Just a number. Im a spring chicken compared to some at nearly 45 , but Im getting close to being in the best shape of my life, and you don't need to bust your ass to get their.
Big call mate to label Dave Kalama fat and unfit, you are confusing body type with fitness. What is fitness? So your fit to win a sup race, fit to lift heavy, fit to swim, fit to do cross fit the list goes on and on.since you asked I'll give you the answerfitness is the body and minds adaptation to perform a specific task optimally ,if that is what you want.