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Shark attack Ballina

Created by Ron54 > 9 months ago, 9 Feb 2015
NSW, 54 posts
9 Feb 2015 12:32PM
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just came from a surf at flat rock (half way between Ballina and lennox)and heard a guy was taken by a shark at Shelly beach Ballina.rumour has it it was a young guy and lost both legs( so sad) all beaches closed between Ballina and lennox

NSW, 310 posts
9 Feb 2015 12:43PM
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Poor guy, very sad. Thoughts are with him, his family and friends.
I was surfing way out the back on a cracking day at the north end of flat rock in the early nineties. Had a massive tiger shark buzz me while duck diving in murky water. Did not see head or tail but side fin and a very solid body with distinctive stripes. Almost literally shat myself. Next whitewash to the beach. Closest and scariest shark encounter I have had. Was shaking for quite sometime in the car park. Seen quite a few off the back of the ledge of flat rock reef as well. Not that big though!
Must admit I feel a little safer on a Sup with a shark toothpick in my hands.

NSW, 260 posts
9 Feb 2015 12:52PM
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Second attack in two days... first one, the shark missed out on a decent meal at Seven Mile Beach..... but got his fill at Shelly Beach this morning!

VIC, 796 posts
9 Feb 2015 2:55PM
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LordKuz said..
Second attack in two days... first one, the shark missed out on a decent meal at Seven Mile Beach..... but got his fill at Shelly Beach this morning!

Poor form LordKuz. A bit more empathy may be in order.

QLD, 118 posts
9 Feb 2015 3:30PM
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Very sad news. Very traumatic way to go.

Rest In Peace

QLD, 3954 posts
9 Feb 2015 5:07PM
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I just worked out who this guy was. Super nice guy who worked for Brothers Neilsen for a long time..

Good surfer and a gentelman.

RIP Tadashi.

255 posts
9 Feb 2015 3:11PM
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And only 10 meters from the sad for all involved and his family/friends back in Japan.

QLD, 44 posts
9 Feb 2015 5:13PM
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So sad.
The 4th shark attack since 2008 in the Byron/Ballina region.

VIC, 17452 posts
9 Feb 2015 6:21PM
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Sad.. I was windsurfing at Flat Rock once in calm almost glassy conditions.. I was non- planing on a small sinker board so the board was mostly under water but I was still sailing along slowly when I saw a big shark at least 8'-10' long coming towards me at 90deg.. We were heading for a T bone when it sank down and as we crossed I was I expecting my fin to touch it and I was expecting the explosion in the water to happen.. Somehow it missed but I got such a good look at it as it passed under my board.. I was about 500 meters from shore.. my heart rate went so high.. I yelled to my friend that I just saw a huge shark and he tried to jibe to head back in.. and he fell off.. He had jibed 20 times that morning and not come close to falling off until then.. It's amazing what nurves can do to you..

QLD, 1363 posts
9 Feb 2015 5:50PM
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LordKuz said..
Second attack in two days... first one, the shark missed out on a decent meal at Seven Mile Beach..... but got his fill at Shelly Beach this morning!

You goose!

NSW, 260 posts
9 Feb 2015 7:47PM
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WTF? Its a fact people. Someone had a brush with a shark one day.. then another got eaten the next! Why so freakin upset that I state the obvious!

NSW, 406 posts
9 Feb 2015 8:14PM
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Coz someone lost their life -

WA, 6913 posts
9 Feb 2015 5:34PM
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LordKuz said..
WTF? Its a fact people. Someone had a brush with a shark one day.. then another got eaten the next! Why so freakin upset that I state the obvious!

Just because something may be true, it can still be insensitive

NSW, 260 posts
9 Feb 2015 8:41PM
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Please excuse the way in which I commented on the original post. Those that know me would understand that I am not a callous person, but I do state things in a certain way. I did not in any way mean to show any lack of empathy towards the victims of this shark or sharks – and I would hope if some critics would re-read my post and imagine perhaps a saddened or concerned look on my face. (not exactly possible on a forum, is it?) I am used to saying things as they are… not with the intention of detracting from any sympathy nor to suggest that the victim deserved to meet such a fate. Perhaps there is some new taboo about this in sup/surf culture that I am unware of – but having spent all my life in and around the sea, full of sharks and other potentially hazardous creatures (not to mention the elements and the sea itself) – I am used to a direct tone of speech that often accompanies such tragedies. It was not even meant as black humour… in case that was the way it was interpreted – simply another way of being sadly fatalistic about the hazards we face on a daily basis, as lovers of the sea and all within.
Humble apologies to any Ive offended!

VIC, 5904 posts
9 Feb 2015 8:59PM
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lordKuz .......... I recon that you should think before you open your mouth . To state the obvious , there are people who read this who have surfed with the fellow and his family and close friends may also frequent this forum .
Show some respect .
And the last paragraph you wrote trying to justify your comments doesn't help.

WA, 410 posts
9 Feb 2015 6:21PM
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give the fella a break! he wrote that paragraph because he feels terrible about people hating on him already for an unfortunate choice of words. we all stuff up our choice of words every now and again. he obviously feels as sorry as do the rest of us.

VIC, 2851 posts
9 Feb 2015 9:31PM
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Focus should be on the event, not comments about it.
Terrible thing to happen.

QLD, 6989 posts
9 Feb 2015 8:35PM
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That's so heavy I was close to both attacks .Surfed Lennox mid morning with the Dogman and Noel Graham yesterday then dropped into Byron for a surf on the way home. Two attacks in less than 24 hrs and only apx 20km's apart. Big chance it's the same shark. Lucky break for the guy at Byron but so tragic for the other guy. So sad my heart goes out to his family and friends.

NSW, 120 posts
9 Feb 2015 9:57PM
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I know its an unpopular idea,but if a shark is targeting humans its time to target that shark.

NSW, 2159 posts
9 Feb 2015 9:59PM
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LordKuz said..
Please excuse the way in which I commented on the original post. Those that know me would understand that I am not a callous person, but I do state things in a certain way. I did not in any way mean to show any lack of empathy towards the victims of this shark or sharks – and I would hope if some critics would re-read my post and imagine perhaps a saddened or concerned look on my face. (not exactly possible on a forum, is it?) I am used to saying things as they are… not with the intention of detracting from any sympathy nor to suggest that the victim deserved to meet such a fate. Perhaps there is some new taboo about this in sup/surf culture that I am unware of – but having spent all my life in and around the sea, full of sharks and other potentially hazardous creatures (not to mention the elements and the sea itself) – I am used to a direct tone of speech that often accompanies such tragedies. It was not even meant as black humour… in case that was the way it was interpreted – simply another way of being sadly fatalistic about the hazards we face on a daily basis, as lovers of the sea and all within.
Humble apologies to any Ive offended!

Good on you mate for coming back and explaining. We all throw lines away that we later regret.
Not all have the maturity to go back and see where they may have offended and then apologise.

Another sad story indeed. Rest in peace young fella.

QLD, 21889 posts
9 Feb 2015 9:09PM
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Piros, they are saying two different sharks were involved in the attacks,the one yesterday was much smaller than the monster involved in todays attack.

QLD, 4177 posts
9 Feb 2015 9:26PM
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bazell said..
I know its an unpopular idea,but if a shark is targeting humans its time to target that shark.

I doubt very much we have a rogue shark stalking people , surfers look a lot like turtles and seals from underneath. Very tragic.

QLD, 112 posts
9 Feb 2015 11:16PM
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Overfishing is often to blame for change in behavioural patterns in sharks. We all take a risk every time we enter the water but I think the risk of being struck by a board is far greater than a shark attack. Either way it is a sad day in surfing, rest in peace Tadashi.

2610 posts
9 Feb 2015 11:12PM
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Really sucks. Period.
Just to show how we are all connected by the famous 6* of separation...
One of the only boards I kept through the years was a Neilsen Brothers. I finally passed it on to a friends son. Good stuff by good people.
Sad to hear one of theirs suffered such a fate.

QLD, 6989 posts
10 Feb 2015 10:06AM
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Macaha said..
Piros, they are saying two different sharks were involved in the attacks,the one yesterday was much smaller than the monster involved in todays attack.

Well that's even worse.

NSW, 54 posts
10 Feb 2015 11:42AM
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Maybe wrong forum should possibly be in general discussions,BUT WHY,if this shark came from the North (rumor has it that the dawn patrol were chased out of the water at flat rock),it would have had to have swam by swimmers at Angels ( south of flatty) plus prone guys surfing black head.If it came from the south, short boarders at North wall,same for Speeds ( in front of Ballina lighthouse). If it came from the east same it would have swam under guys surfing in deep water,yet it attacked in shallow water,not usual Great whites modus operandi Remember a guy died Im over hearing all the rank sushi jokes.Rumour also has it the board was facing east west and he was laying across it north south talking to his mates.funny how everyone you talk to was surfing shellys, everyone saw the shark,yet no one said anything.Any one out there a marine biologist who can answer this.

QLD, 6989 posts
10 Feb 2015 12:12PM
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Ron said : " Rumour also has it the board was facing east west and he was laying across it north south talking to his mates"

That's a really good point he would have looked very different from underneath.

NSW, 18 posts
10 Feb 2015 3:59PM
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Such sad news, not only for the victim, his family and friends, but also for those extrordinarily brave surfers that where with him till the end. RIP Tadashi

WA, 41 posts
10 Feb 2015 1:45PM
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Such sad news and not something you like hearing about. My deepest sympathy goes out to his friends and family.
I think the fisheries and government really need to start finding solutions for these tragic incidents. I know being out on the water we are in there domain and I take that risk every day but there are ways to minimize those risks. I'm not a fan of shark culling unless it's a rogue and is known to attack. Like dogs and other animals if it attacks humans it needs to be put down. But maybe they should start tagging and tracking sharks like they do in the states. When these sharks come close to beaches they know and can close the beach down before someone else is attacked and killed.

WA, 6913 posts
10 Feb 2015 4:44PM
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Vinski78 said..
Such sad news and not something you like hearing about. My deepest sympathy goes out to his friends and family.
I think the fisheries and government really need to start finding solutions for these tragic incidents. I know being out on the water we are in there domain and I take that risk every day but there are ways to minimize those risks. I'm not a fan of shark culling unless it's a rogue and is known to attack. Like dogs and other animals if it attacks humans it needs to be put down. But maybe they should start tagging and tracking sharks like they do in the states. When these sharks come close to beaches they know and can close the beach down before someone else is attacked and killed.

That is the common sense approach. The shark debate is however handled on a Political and hysterical level to best get votes(or at least preserve votes), or sell papers but not really considering the best practical solutions or any science..

QLD, 6989 posts
10 Feb 2015 7:40PM
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Maybe Cull is the wrong word , lets look at prevention. The Gold Coast a has pretty sparse system of nets and drum lines and no attacks in over 50 years. You only need to head South 20 mins and the attacks start happening in Northern NSW where there is no nets or drum lines. These recent attacks were only about 80 to 100km's as the crow flies from the Gold Coast. All the great whites migrate start past the Gold Coast and no attacks , the nets and drums only pick up a few but it does seem to keep them away. So maybe the sharks have learnt not to come close or they can sense the wire on the drums or the nets , as a fisherman I know you hook up less on wire than mono.

The coastline of Qld and NSW is vastly different with a lot more headlands and close reefs in NSW so maybe that might have something to do with it. It wouldn't cost much to do a trail a try the nets or drum lines instead of spending 100's of 1000's of dollars like they did in WA for no result.

Before anyone gets on here and starts save the shark no nets we are in their domain , you do realise that 10's of 1000's of sharks are killed every DAY for their fins , so if you want to save some sharks go to the Sea Shepard link below where 100 million sharks are killed every year and donate some money to help try and stop it.

The nets might only pick up 50 to a 100 sharks a year but if that saves just one life it’s well worth IMHO…..Flame suit on


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Shark attack Ballina" started by Ron54