Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Shh don't tell my wife

Created by DaveSandan > 9 months ago, 11 Nov 2019
VIC, 1366 posts
11 Nov 2019 5:09PM
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Oh dear I think I got a bit carried away and have bought the new Garmin 6X Sapphire, she had seen the price on a 5X and said oh they are a bit expensive so I am hesitant to mention what I paid for the Sapphire although I did get a 5% discount
i mean we go bushwalking, cycling, and it has an emergency contact mode and she can track me on a DW run so what could she possible complain about?????

VIC, 1469 posts
11 Nov 2019 5:39PM
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happy wife happy DaveSandan with a nice watch

VIC, 2838 posts
11 Nov 2019 8:03PM
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VIC, 1366 posts
11 Nov 2019 8:30PM
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Delivery in a couple of days, discount online only and I checked everywhere and shops don't have stock or one to even look at which is disappointing.

The wife knows and she is not too happy

219 posts
12 Nov 2019 6:16AM
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DaveSandan said..
and she can track me

Don't forget to take it off before you get to King Street.

QLD, 1458 posts
13 Nov 2019 12:15PM
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I know how you feel, I came home with a 10' Sunova Steeze on Saturday (for her) and I'm still getting a bit of silent treatment.

VIC, 1366 posts
13 Nov 2019 4:45PM
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rockmagnet said..
I know how you feel, I came home with a 10' Sunova Steeze on Saturday (for her) and I'm still getting a bit of silent treatment.


VIC, 1366 posts
13 Nov 2019 4:49PM
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Well I received the Garmin from Qld to Melbourne in less than 24 hrs which is impressive. I have spent a lot of time reading the manual online and am starting to get my head around what it does and geez it does a lot! Will I need all it can do well no but who cares right it's not about that.
i will hopefully test it on the water this weekend, will keep you posted!

4972 posts
13 Nov 2019 4:10PM
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FLASHY ,i hope it was worth the ear bashing

VIC, 1366 posts
13 Nov 2019 7:14PM
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Tardy said..
FLASHY ,i hope it was worth the ear bashing

Lol it's not too bad of a ear bashing and it's always worth it if you like it.

QLD, 1363 posts
14 Nov 2019 8:51AM
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Always easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission

VIC, 1366 posts
17 Nov 2019 1:48PM
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Yeah finally got to give the Garmin 6X Pro a run on the water and if I was OCD I would be in heaven right now, talk about information overload.
all in all this is so easy to use and being a first time buyer I will have heaps of fun until the novelty wears off in a few months.
The GPS is suppose to be much more accurate according to the tech reviews so I am pretty happy with my speed and stroke rate for an old fart who can only paddle once a week/fortnight.

I do like the graphs and the correlation between heart rate and speed is interesting and as. Base line will give me a good idea on how my fitness can improve over the next few months while I increase my time on the water.

Not sure if the distance per stroke I'd how far I travelled on how far the paddle was in the water? Guessing how far I properly the board per stroke. Something to aim for as well?
You can see when Ai started to sprint and back off and the heart rate increase, I have an alert if I go abouve 160bpm just in case but at 58 apparently that is my max heart rate anyway during excercise anyway.
As a first time user and owner of this kind of devise I must say it is so easy to use once you get it set up and I still have not scratched the surface of the functions available, the manual is massive.
its fun to see what your body is doing and will be interesting to see how it changes over time, if you want info this is the devise to get and it is better than having a phone in a waterproof bag around your neck like I use to have.

NSW, 399 posts
17 Nov 2019 2:13PM
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You know about the 'Surf Tracker 2' Data Field you can get for the Garmin? I have the 5X and the surf tracker is pretty good as well... basically adds extra fields to the SUP setting you have just shown to show waves caught, direction etc. Doesn't map individual waves which is a bummer but the summary is good.

Great watch with lots of bells and whistles....

VIC, 1366 posts
17 Nov 2019 2:53PM
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Emeboy said..
You know about the 'Surf Tracker 2' Data Field you can get for the Garmin? I have the 5X and the surf tracker is pretty good as well... basically adds extra fields to the SUP setting you have just shown to show waves caught, direction etc. Doesn't map individual waves which is a bummer but the summary is good.

Great watch with lots of bells and whistles....

I will have a look for that one on Garmin IQ

VIC, 1366 posts
24 Nov 2019 4:38PM
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Not sure what happened today, I got wet so hopefully that is irrelevant. I was moving 60+ meters per stroke and over 43,000km per hour. At that rate I can paddle to the moon????

794 posts
24 Nov 2019 2:38PM
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That is because you now have super natural powers thank's to Garmin probably and the small text terms and conditions.
I've told my partner about new wave sup ( engaged with mortgage and teenager) but not about another windsurf board
We can all go to get waves but not when windy for windsurfing.

QLD, 6927 posts
24 Nov 2019 5:36PM
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If you have Gamin Virb cameras the 360 or Gopro style VIRB you can control them via your watch as well , pretty cool.

VIC, 1366 posts
9 Jan 2020 1:09PM
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After nearly a couple of months I have come to the conclusion hat the SUP app on my watch will never work reliably. I have had 3 recorded paddles that accurately record my pace and speed, the other 20 or so are so far out it's not worth a look.
Paddle strokes and average pace and KM per hour are all good it's just the calculation for Maximum speed, Best pace, and average distance per stroke that are out of whack. I have had many emails from a Garmin and have changed multiple settings as per all the articles but it make no difference 90% of the time. I think GPS drift is what they suggest is the problem and they would be correct as it has drop out sections on my data that I can see so that puts the calculation out.
On some of the other apps they have a auto pause when stopped which would correct it I am sure but the SUP one does not have it. As you know we rarely stop and I have very clear sky's here so clear signal is not an issue.
So now I just ignore it and will try walking on water next and see if the data is more accurate but I think average speed and stroke rates are more important as a measurement.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Shh don't tell my wife" started by DaveSandan