Hi all,
I need your your help with some issue, I got a Gong Sup which is pretty good and radical sup. But I do have a small problem which I try to fix - the traction pad is slippery.
The top finish of the pad is smooth which make the pad a bit slippery and sometimes makes me fall from the sup when I surf. Never had this kind of problem before.
Does anyone have any solution?
Does anyone know how to fix it or ever had this kind of problem?
I really don't want to wax the pad, it's not logical.
Hi thanks!
Do you mean to wax it like waxing a board or is there a special way to wax the pad?
Is there any otger solution?
Wax it or run some sandpaper over it…easy to fix. New pads need time to bed in you can just hurry the process along.
Yeah, just sent an email. I will wait for an answer tomorrow.
The problem is that I live too far, so even if they will offer to replace it, it can't be done.
First thing to try is just to wash it.
Brush it with some detergent and water.
Sometimes, new pads have some dust or oily residues from the factory environment that makes them slippery.
I always wash my new pads, and re-do it from time to time, especially if surfing in muddy waters (rivermouths).
Is it all the pad which is slippery, or some specific places?
Ive run into this with new pads before. Just a little time to wear it in has cleared it up for me, but the suggested washing and rubbing down with wet sand could help speed the process. Anything more than a light sanding with a very fine grit will probably be overkill.
I was referring to the suggestion to just rub the deck with wet beach sand by HumanCartoon and a detergent wash like colas mentioned. If neither worked I might try a little steel wool to gently abrade the deck before going to sandpaper. Just a little bit can go a long way. Deck pads are really soft and tend to get rougher over time due to use and UV exposure. Even a light sanding can take off a lot if you aren't careful. I wouldn't trust myself but you might have steadier hands than I do.
I just asked Patrice, the Gong shaper, he advised to wash, and if not sufficient, a light sanding with a coarse sandpaper or a metal brush.
You should take care not to dull the edges of the raised parts, sharp edges are important for the grip.
If you are not used to domed decks, maybe you have your feet too close to the rail when paddling. Try to keep your feet more towards the center, on the flat part. It will both improve balance and reduce slippage, as your feet will not be on the outwards slope anymore...
Since you are the first one to complain of these pads, maybe that is the problem? (although, of course, production defects can always happen)
And this is where foot depressions help :-)
I found 1 piece deck pads slippery when the board was pitched up on a steep face, so started carving them up. Good for grip and numb feet.
Use very course sand paper, and just give it a few swipes, the courser the better.
I used a very course sanding belt on my belt sander, but I didn't turn on the belt sander, I just dragged it across the pad a couple of times, it worked perfectly.