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Some East Coast NZ pulse Sunova 8'5 Speeed

Created by Supmaori > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2017
746 posts
11 Feb 2017 8:18AM
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Out this morning in some rare swell..hopefully a sign of things to come. Sharing the stoke..been a while


494 posts
11 Feb 2017 9:34AM
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Thanks supmaori,

Beautiful deserted waves, great rides! Inspiring. I hope to get out tomorrow morning. A storm has just passed through.



NSW, 3768 posts
11 Feb 2017 1:00PM
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Who said there are no waves on the east coast in summer?

Nice one Supmaori.

746 posts
11 Feb 2017 10:00AM
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Thanks FRP.. Appreciate the positive vibes . Was good to get out after a poor period. Have an enjoyable session tomorrow

386 posts
11 Feb 2017 10:10AM
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Nice work dude - very jealous

746 posts
11 Feb 2017 10:32AM
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Cheers Casso and Supbru won't b long and you be back to 100% bro..It's been pretty ordinary boys ..I think Gizzie been getting it all?? ..But you take it when you can get it..So thankful hopefully hit it tomorrow too...

2594 posts
11 Feb 2017 11:44AM
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Nicely played SUPmaori, that looked like a really fun session!
I love that type of wave... very workable.
Glad to see another vid coming out of NZ

386 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:17PM
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stc - pls tell Soloshot to deliver our SS3's (it's been close on 18 months) & you will see a few more vids coming out of NZ

4102 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:36PM
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Casso said..
Who said there are no waves on the east coast in summer?

Nice one Supmaori.

there were actually waves here today Casso
Left home probably 4.45 am ......definitely dark. Looked at Makorori Point. Big and ugly.
Went to town beach. Still dark. Towball and friends turned up.
Still dark but slightly not dark. But they insisted someone had to paddle out to see what was happening and that that person was me So I did.
But think Supmaori would agree with me that you couldn't jump across the ditch from aussie at this time of year and be guaranteed surf.
Looking pretty good for the next 3 days though

4102 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:38PM
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forgot to mention was pretty good fun waves. Had taken paddle camera.....but didn't look that good in dark so left in car

746 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:57PM
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Thanks guys..That SOLO 3 better hurry up Bru..Long wait man..Hope they get it sorted..

4102 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:58PM
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Am pretty excited about tomorrow's sup prospects........first there is the early morning surf session........and then there are the 3 pretty women i am going for a paddle with on the river afterwards.......who want a "guiding hand" in their sup learning curve

4102 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:59PM
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Supmaori said..
Thanks guys..That SOLO 3 better hurry up Bru..Long wait man..Hope they get it sorted..

i would be getting grizzily by now

746 posts
11 Feb 2017 2:04PM
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Looking like tomorrow is going to be better conditions here Gizzie..More lined up, cleaner and better swell period so pretty amped for the morning session too..

VIC, 139 posts
11 Feb 2017 5:50PM
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Ah nice work if you can get it,good stuff sup M

4102 posts
11 Feb 2017 3:11PM
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monday and tuesday looking good also

4102 posts
13 Feb 2017 8:49AM
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Makorori pretty cool bananas today. Went out at centres......just me out. My 9'5 speed did the trick in big building peaks that raced off left and right with 15 foot faces. Survived a few free falls with a fin in the water only occasionally.
When i was tired and exhausted......chucked camera on my board for a couple of waves.......but wind had got up by then

4102 posts
13 Feb 2017 8:49AM
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494 posts
13 Feb 2017 1:11PM
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Thanks Griz

beautiful scenery, great rides! The hills look dry.....must be summer sun and little rain. I was out surfing in snow a couple of mornings ago. Looking forward to spring and a few mm less of neoprene.


746 posts
13 Feb 2017 3:10PM
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Nice Gizz..Clean looking waves ..

4102 posts
15 Feb 2017 10:49AM
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hard to get good pics with a point and shoot camera. I too probably need a solo 3.......if they ever bring one out
Six good surf days in a row here.....hoot hoot

746 posts
15 Feb 2017 10:53AM
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Back to small here and looking to be sh#t for the weekend..Pleased a got a couple of good days in Giz. The Solo one is a good option..Mine needs a better quality camera but they be pretty reasonable price now I'd say

4102 posts
15 Feb 2017 10:56AM
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FRP said..
Thanks Griz

beautiful scenery, great rides! The hills look dry.....must be summer sun and little rain. I was out surfing in snow a couple of mornings ago. Looking forward to spring and a few mm less of neoprene.


no snow rain either. Was the driest January in a zillion years. Febuary not looking much better.
Water is warm as toast. Just wearing a 2/3 to avoid minor scrapes and abrasions. And the impact vest for a bit of extra "pop up"
very soothing if you lose your board also.
Although the other day i was getting hammered and thought "thank goodness have impact vest"
Then realised that in the heat of the paddle out had forgotten to put it on

4102 posts
15 Feb 2017 11:32AM
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Supmaori said..
Back to small here and looking to be sh#t for the weekend..Pleased a got a couple of good days in Giz. The Solo one is a good option..Mine needs a better quality camera but they be pretty reasonable price now I'd say

not much sign of them on ebay USA.........maybe the solo shot 3 people have taken the deposit money and done a runner
only one solo 2 that might not ship to nz.......and an incomplete solo one


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Some East Coast NZ pulse Sunova 8'5 Speeed" started by Supmaori