Nice one DJ, Kathy, Ann. You know it's going to be good when it's blowing the sand off the beach at St.Kilda
Great vid, loved the bit at the end at "normal speed". It shows just how fast things are changing beneath your feet.
Whats with the booties though DJ? Anne and Kathy seem fine with the barefoot vibe
You will give people the impression that Port Phillip actually cools down from its usual tropical feel.
Did you come past Green Point? I thought i saw a SUP'er in a yellow top come past us windsurfers at about 8:15am... You DJ?
Yes.. maybe it was me.. You would have noticed the big/wide camera mount on the back of my board.
I almost hit the rocks going through the gap.. The wind was very up and down.. What size sail did you have…
^We know the story there...nothing to see, no cause for alarm.
(edit: actually looks pretty mild out there compared to today...)
Here's some more vid from yesterday's downwinder for those who like watching them.. and some music from.. Defiance ..