Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Stand Up World Series FINAL

Created by angie pangi > 9 months ago, 9 Oct 2014
angie pangi
QLD, 1779 posts
9 Oct 2014 10:19AM
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Hi all,

Make sure you tune into the Stand Up World Series Final this weekend.

Live stream will be on their site,

Forecast is looking amazing!

Saturday is Long Distance 18km with solid swell 20knots downwind.

Sunday is Sprints with 10ft plus on the forecast.

Cheers me on as I aim to get my World Title! There is only a tiny 2000 point spearating myself and Lina. Who ever wins here will win the Title for 2014.

Jake is aiming to win here and he can move up into 2nd for the year.

Hope you all can watch the action from home.

X Angie

QLD, 4177 posts
9 Oct 2014 11:45AM
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Good luck guys You may need it! Cant wait to watch.

QLD, 1344 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:29PM
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Best of luck Ange I am sure you can do it!
Hopefully jake claims 2nd overall for the year!
Hopefully Jacko gets some luck for once and smokes them all

Downwinder sounds fun!!
Shortcourse sounds like it will be full on! Will be great that it's streamed live!
Been a great series to follow all year I've enjoyed it

QLD, 529 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:51PM
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Go Angie!! Best of luck.

QLD, 21884 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:59PM
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Somebody needs to tell Jacko his leggie is on the wrong foot

QLD, 2286 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:10PM
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Macaha said..
Somebody needs to tell Jacko his leggie is on the wrong foot

I think you are wrong Mac.

It's not on the wrong foot he is standing with his back foot forward.


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:42PM
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best of luck angie,jacko and jake

QLD, 3319 posts
11 Oct 2014 3:45AM
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Macaha said...
Somebody needs to tell Jacko his leggie is on the wrong foot

Haha nice pick up!! I cant stand the coil leash draging in the water so putting it on the front leg stops that

With a soild 15 ft today this is going to be a very interesting race just to get out to the start line. Sounds like the whole race will be live so might be some good action as we come through places like pipeline and stuff!!

823 posts
11 Oct 2014 2:02AM
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make sure you remove your handles!!!

NSW, 406 posts
11 Oct 2014 10:18AM
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good luck gang !

QLD, 171 posts
11 Oct 2014 11:05AM
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What times in OZ can we watch both days?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 Oct 2014 12:36PM
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paul.j said..

Macaha said...
Somebody needs to tell Jacko his leggie is on the wrong foot

Haha nice pick up!! I cant stand the coil leash draging in the water so putting it on the front leg stops that

With a soild 15 ft today this is going to be a very interesting race just to get out to the start line. Sounds like the whole race will be live so might be some good action as we come through places like pipeline and stuff!!

your not coming in through pipe are you surely

QLD, 3319 posts
11 Oct 2014 1:35PM
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Coming in through pipe would be the easy part!! Getting out will be the fun part.

QLD, 4177 posts
11 Oct 2014 1:43PM
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what time is the race on?

QLD, 2031 posts
11 Oct 2014 1:51PM
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paul.j said..
Coming in through pipe would be the easy part!! Getting out will be the fun part.

you forgot to set your phone to southern hemisphere mode

QLD, 3319 posts
11 Oct 2014 3:56PM
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Haha to much blood running to my head as well!!

QLD, 3319 posts
11 Oct 2014 3:57PM
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teatrea said...
what time is the race on?

Starts here at 1pm

QLD, 2031 posts
12 Oct 2014 8:58AM
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any results from Sat?

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
12 Oct 2014 9:32AM
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husq2100 said..
any results from Sat?

Not yet... Hawaii is 20 hours behind us (Qld time) so they'll be doing the check in and briefing for the long distance race about now and race is set to start at:

7am West Coast
9am Queensland
9:30am Adelaide
10am NSW, ACT & Vicco

Sprits to start half hour earlier than this tomorrow

Live video feed starting soon at:

Best of luck to all the Aussies...

Angie will be battling hard against Lina and looking to secure her World Series title.
Jake looking to split the 'big two' on the podium to finish runner up for the year.
Jacko will be wanting a strong finish for the year & to have the most fun in the big surf that could be on offer.
Ke'ale will be looking to cause another shake up in the Sprints against the more established girls.
And Pete Dorries showing that the old guys can still do it!

(Sorry if I've missed any other Aussies who are there too?)

NSW, 2159 posts
12 Oct 2014 12:39PM
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That feed sucks. Anyone else having trouble with it?

QLD, 4177 posts
12 Oct 2014 11:48AM
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The feed sucked , I think Kai , riggs , mo , jake?

NSW, 2159 posts
12 Oct 2014 1:09PM
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teatrea said..
The feed sucked , I think Kai , riggs , mo , jake?

Yep and 17yo Fiona Wylde first Women. Naish cleaned up.
Classic how they cut the feed after the first girl

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
12 Oct 2014 12:25PM
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First time they've attempted live feed from a distance race, but not sure they'll be doing it again after that. Pretty much no mention of the girls or anyone outside the top few guys until the finish and then didn't wait for the other girls to finish.
They've done a good job with the pre-race talk and interviews for the women's showndown leading into the event but kind of fell off the bandwagon with the race coverage - especially when the men's title was already decided and the women's title is on the line!

QLD, 2031 posts
12 Oct 2014 12:45PM
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so waterman league still kicking goals then

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
12 Oct 2014 1:02PM
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Fiona 1st, Angie 2nd & Sonni 3rd
Not sure yet where Lina finished or how close points will be between her and Angie heading into tomorrow.

(BTW Waterman League have put an apology on their facebook page about some problems with the live feed. From watching, or trying to watch, it we all saw it wasn't great, but at least they're trying something new and not leaving it to 3rd party coverage like BOP. Can only improve from here.)

QLD, 4177 posts
12 Oct 2014 1:31PM
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Yeah at least that had a crack at it , hopefully better next time. Well done Anjie on second looking good for world champ

QLD, 3319 posts
12 Oct 2014 1:55PM
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Tough race with what looked like it was going to be a unreal DW but it didnt really end up like that and ended up being alot harder than it was ment to be.

Jake lead for most of the way but not taking any water really hurt him at the last part, it was a tough call to take water or not as if it was as good as it looked you would not need it but when it turn in to a tough grind in parts it really took its toll.

Ang lead right up to the last 1km up wind part and i think she is the first to admit she sucks upwind and Fiona got past her the best part for Ang is Lina ended up in 6th giving and a good buffer for tomorrow.

I was going pretty good sitting with Kai and just behind Jake and riggs for quite a way then it just seemed to get hard and i dropped of the pace when i finished i realized my board was full of water guess thats what happens when i trust Jake to fix it i think i limped it 12th.

All learned lessons and now getting ready for a big day of sprinting tomorrow which should be super fun in some good sized waves.

QLD, 2031 posts
12 Oct 2014 3:04PM
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bloody hell mate, you can't catch a trick.

QLD, 3319 posts
12 Oct 2014 3:15PM
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husq2100 said..
bloody hell mate, you can't catch a trick.

haha my own fault for not really checking the repair work which wasn't done by jake by the way!! for me it does not really make a difference as i'm way down the rankings this year anyway.

QLD, 4177 posts
12 Oct 2014 3:25PM
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Your lucks gotta change Jacko! And Jake might get some brains

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
12 Oct 2014 3:41PM
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teatrea said...
Your lucks gotta change Jacko! And Jake might get some brains

Nar its not a lack of brains. Young blokes think the're invincible


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Stand Up World Series FINAL" started by angie pangi