Hi I would love to see more surfing articles in your stand up paddle section. You seem to concentrate on racers and to me thats like comparing clubbies to surfers.
Totally different sports.(not that theres anything wrong with that) (much). Anyway.I digress. More surfing please.
Not sure who the "you" is referring to.....surely not the site management as it is the SUP community at large (plus Doggie) who make the majority of posts
....I don't click on the "downwind" postings myself....just the more surfy/board design/review stuff.
Maybe downwinders make more postings than the surf sup people?
Towball tried leaving the paddle behind & riding the McTavish fireball.....but seems to be back on the Hokua & paddle firmly in hand the last few mornings
Single fin logger comps are huge at the moment look at the Noosa entries going back to the roots of surfing.Allround sups that you can surf any style and have fun on is what sups is all about.