Too be honest the Starlight construction looks good and seems pretty dam light to me, I think the Pro Waves at $1840 are pretty dam good value especially if they have FCSII fitted.
be prepared for your ding repair guy to hate you when you take him those Inegra rails to repair, its like working with kevlar and would expect the cost of your repairs to go up. its very hard to get a like new Finnish as you can not properly sand of feather it in due to it going fluffy.
Hi Auswind , all the 2017 boards look awesome. Can you show picture of the hypernut in the wood version?. Also what size flying objects board cover does it need. Looks like starboard is going to kick ass in 2017! Cheers
the mini guide indicates that the 8'8" wide point available only in Starlite.....when most other surf models are ?
Hi calinso, not yet I have paddled one briefly in super choppy windy conditions so really hard to get a read on stability we have one here now will report back soon. There are a couple in shops now so hopefully someone else might have some feedback soon.
Just picked up my 2017 Sprint 23 X 14.
Took it out in chop on the river - the conditions the sprint usually doesn't like. All I can say is - wow! Those creative heads at Starboard have out done themselves again. The previous sprint was always fast, but tricky with side on chop as the primary stability is marginal. The 2017 has chined rails, which almost creates a rounded edge like an ACE, which gives it better primary and cleverly maintains a sharp edge.
The R&D that has gone into this board is obvious. I get the feeling the SUPbros have had a hand in this. The wider tail gives greater stability when you step back to kick turn. I talk about stability because it is a given that this board is fast - it is consistently proven as the fastest board on the planet and now it has a stable platform for paddlers of any height and weight to work from (<95kg tho).
Can't wait to see how the 21.5" goes, but the 23" volume/buoyancy is spot on - I always thought the 2016 was a little sticky/ sank with my weight (88kg).
It will be an interesting flatwater season this year. Some great specialized boards on the market, I reckon the Sprint will maintain its dominance with this updated design.
hi Auswind
what construction is the Hypernut available in the 9' and the 9'5
is it available in the new starlite?
Not what I wanted to read Goochi. I was just talked out of looking at the Sprint to use in the Hawkesbury race due to stability over the distance and in the dark, but your review makes me think it could be an option (albeit a pretty darn expensive one!).
Hi Swanny
As PTWoody said they are 2 different board designs.
HyperNut - Available in:
6.9x23 / 6.10x26.5 / 7.2x28 / 7.4x30 / 7.8x30 / 8.0x31.5 / 8.6x31.5 / 9.0x31.5
Nut - Available in:
8.5x29 / 9.0x28.5 / 9.5x29 / 10.0x30
Both boards are available in Carbon, PineTek and Starlite
I've got the 12'2 X 30 Freeride Starlite ordered, can't quite work out why I'm so looking forward to getting it, but I can't wait!
Had the original 12'6 X 30 and I've been kicking myself for selling, hopefully this will be just as much fun as a do anything, cruise, small surf and gentle downwind board.
It does look like a wee ripper there Jonathan. Did you order the Pinetek? Reminds me of the wood finish Pin - another board I wish I'd never sold.
Gday guys sorry if im going over old ground here but wondering what sort of litres for the hypernut 9 foot .
Has anyone demo'd the board? Would love to know if the 9 has a bit more glide which seemed to be an issue which came up a bit on past forums.
Cheers in Advance
Hey Jonathan,
l agree with you, the Freeride is an awesome board. Like you I regret selling mine. The new model looks great...heaps of concave. Enjoy your new board.
I have the new 2017 14 x 24.5 Hybrid Grumpycat.It weighed in at 11.8kg which is pretty good considering hybrid durable construction and the added volume of the board. Not to mention the RRP is $2750.I didn't think that a true all-round board existed but Starboard are pretty darn close this year. Obviously a Sprint will beat it in the flat, but not the ocean. The updated volume in the nose helps it fit onto the small bumps and the massive concave-tri concave helps it accelerate down into bumps and boat wakes. The recessed deck grip is super comfy too