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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

They are calling SUP the new Goatboats

Created by goatman > 9 months ago, 1 Apr 2011
NSW, 1520 posts
4 Apr 2011 1:37PM
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Chopz said...

honestly who gives a ****.

Stand up, lie down, sit down, do a ****ing handstand, were all out there for the same purpose, to enjoy the water.

Like its been said, there are just as many kook shortboarders and longboarders out there, not only SUPs, and with SUP being a new sport it makes sense for there too be more of them.
You could take away all the SUPs, bodyboarders, goatboaters and every single break in your local metro area would still be crowded. And I'd put my morgage on the fact there would still be surfers paddling around out there with a chip on there shoulder coz the bloke who just paddled out isnt a "local".

Build a bridge I reckon.

It's not an even playing field comparing kooks on surfboards to kooks on SUPs-the ability to cause injury and mayhem with a 'kook' on a 10 foot SUP with no or limited surf experience or ability is a multiple of that of the same guy on a shortboard.

As someone that rides both (less SUP lately due to a back injury)-I can tell you that a guy on a SUP is equal to 4 or 5 extra shortboarders in the lineup-particularly if the SUP rider is skilled at getting waves and using the extended wave catching ability of the SUP board to maximum advantage.

Again, it's not a level playing field when comparing the craft.

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
4 Apr 2011 1:37PM
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Some of you blokes are kidding yourselves;

SUP is the new goat boats, have you been out on your shortboards lately and have a SUP paddle out and take over the peak? I have and its a rude wake up call. I am not saying stop SUP, i am lovin it as much as anyone but some of us need to consider others and not just take every wave like some mal riders have been doing for years.....

The root of this problem COMES FROM SOME OF US WITHIN

VIC, 3982 posts
4 Apr 2011 2:29PM
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SUPMTB said...

my MTB mates who are surfers have always called SUP "Stand-Up-Paddle-Goatboating".

With material like that, they could be writing for Letterman.

WA, 15849 posts
4 Apr 2011 12:34PM
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Gav84 said...

Chopz said...

honestly who gives a ****.

Stand up, lie down, sit down, do a ****ing handstand, were all out there for the same purpose, to enjoy the water.

Like its been said, there are just as many kook shortboarders and longboarders out there, not only SUPs, and with SUP being a new sport it makes sense for there too be more of them.
You could take away all the SUPs, bodyboarders, goatboaters and every single break in your local metro area would still be crowded. And I'd put my morgage on the fact there would still be surfers paddling around out there with a chip on there shoulder coz the bloke who just paddled out isnt a "local".

Build a bridge I reckon.

Spot on!! After the dummy spit some old long boarder had at me out the alley today (then invited me back to the carpark for a blew, (but never showed)) I realised that it doesnt really matter what you surf, how you surf it or how well you surf it, as long as we are all enjoying it and not putting everyone else in danger everytime you take off on a wave.
Surf within your means and leave the attitude on the beach...........
My 5 cents

WA, 24860 posts
4 Apr 2011 12:49PM
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All good were I surf,its called respect,the few guys who sup out there all come from a surfing background and know the meaning of the word respect,simple really

We get a mixture of all craft, Saturday I had a kook on a shortboard go over the falls right in front of me,I had a nice friendly chat and helped him out,yesterday I had a little grom paddle out who could barely paddle and it was sucky as, I asked hey mate new board hmm,his reply,yes its 2 hours old DHD,wow I said nice board and gave him a tip on body position ( had the nose two foot out of the water ) and told him he would get more waves over there ( shoulder ) he said thanks and paddled over and got someI was happy for the young kid

Don't worry I'll chat to anyone if they are doing the wrong thing,if not someone sure will.

Yesterday I had a father son team near me and the father pushes the kid ( 10 yr )
as I am on a bomb right in front of me,I nearly killed the kid,lucky I was able to get out of it before any contact,I paddled over and said to the dad,hey hows it going mate,he looks at me and does not reply so I said do you have a death wish for your son?he looks at me,still no reply,go figure.

NSW, 1520 posts
4 Apr 2011 3:08PM
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Scotty Mac said...

Some of you blokes are kidding yourselves;

SUP is the new goat boats, have you been out on your shortboards lately and have a SUP paddle out and take over the peak? I have and its a rude wake up call. I am not saying stop SUP, i am lovin it as much as anyone but some of us need to consider others and not just take every wave like some mal riders have been doing for years.....

The root of this problem COMES FROM SOME OF US WITHIN

So very very true!

62mac said...

All good were I surf,its called respect,the few guys who sup out there all come from a surfing background and know the meaning of the word respect,simple really

But Mac I see guys out from a surfing background that are absolute hogs on their SUPs - one fella' from MV comes to mind-as a does another from Av. (Northern Beaches NSW)-so it doesn't really matter about the surfing background if they are hogs on a SUP they're hogs on a SUP.

NSW, 1610 posts
4 Apr 2011 8:36PM
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im a hog on a shortboard and a sup or even when i used to ride a mal when it was flat i would hog then but then again im just brought up that way dog eat dog or you get no waves! the bloke i surf with most lets call him goatman is a hell hog and thats when we paddle out in the dark and theres only 2 guys out but what are you guunna do?


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"They are calling SUP the new Goatboats" started by goatman