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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Trying a different nose shape....

Created by Scotty Mac > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2009
Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 7:07PM
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New nose concept. The missing link between round and ripper....

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 7:08PM
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Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 7:08PM
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Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 7:10PM
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Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 7:11PM
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Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 7:12PM
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VIC, 17513 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:05PM
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Looks good Scotty.. I don't mean to be rude but have you lost weight or something.. .. 8'2" x 28.75.. That's gunna be hard work isn't it?


Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:05PM
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Not really David, I am still the same weight. (about 92 kg of xmas pie)
I have been riding an 8'3" x 30" for about a year now. Started off ok on glassy days to pretty painfull in the wind or chop, i could hardly even stand on it to start with. Then it seems to get easiler over time. I still fall in randomly for no reason but pretty much find my way onto waves no worries. Have even found I can ride it in onshore conditions now so its time for a new stick. I have an 8'8" x 29" pin tail that I ride in bigger stuff also. Its all relative to how hard you want to make it but its so much better surfin a smaller board. Oliver might fire up about this discussion again but its the way it is, smaller the better. Its ok to fall in....

VIC, 17513 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:22PM
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Thanks Scotty.. btw.. I think Oliver would agree with you.


tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:29PM
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scotty dont fire up the sleeping us all

totally lovin the extreme styled banana nose rocker mate...haha......

nice work

NSW, 544 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:53PM
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been riding a 8'4" 29 and a bit for a while now bumpt it up to a 8'10" 30 cant believe how much difference its made stoped missing waves average conditions ok performace on a wave is as good or better.gets to a stage when smaller isnt always best?

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:56PM
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how is the bullet proof/sledge hammer proof carbon 8'10 holding up

NSW, 544 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:58PM
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had to play with the fins a bit but its all good now havnt had alot of waves as you know

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:02AM
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but if your riding 1/2 ft dribble like scotty

the shorter the better to fit in the wave

haha sorry scotty sad but true

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:05AM
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yer sad that the swell has been a non event lately

bring on some cyclone action..............huey..........................

rock on

NSW, 544 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:07AM
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buy the way merry xmas and all that stuff dogman rogger love your work cheers noel

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:11AM
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no worries noel

and have a sideways new year mate

NSW, 544 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:11AM
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yeh its been really **** here latley but we had some great down winds runs a couple of weeks ago

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:46PM
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yer dogman, small board, small waves...... 4 foot or less.
4 foot and up and I am on 8'8".

Yer not sure much under 8 foot really works well.

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:19AM
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nice to get out there in the northerlies

great kiting conditions

cant find crew to do big sup down winders here

getting a bit lonely doing it solo

the good old "jaws" sound track is getting to me cant get it out of my head 3D surround

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:20PM
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rahams said...

been riding a 8'4" 29 and a bit for a while now bumpt it up to a 8'10" 30 cant believe how much difference its made stoped missing waves average conditions ok performace on a wave is as good or better.gets to a stage when smaller isnt always best?

i agree, at 77kg i think 8'8 is about as small as i think i'm going to go. i found smaller a bit more trouble than it was worth in the long run. pulled in tail and nose, just the right rocker,nothing i can't do on that that i can do on smaller ones.i'll just tinker around with madcap ideas

NSW, 544 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:24AM
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we are lucky here can usually find some one to do a byron lennox run usually see a grey suit or two though

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:59PM
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#hey each to there own.........

I am not on here to tell others whats the go, make you own minds up.

I am full steam ahead on my wave, I stop for a small look sometimes but I push on regardless, in my own little world, you all get your own gig.....

Ride what makes you happy, good luck to you all...........even red bucket head

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:33AM
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yer tryin to work on a few crew to tag along

i here ballina skate park crew are getting thick as

think its called missinghams

the disease is rampid

WA, 7480 posts
28 Dec 2009 9:44PM
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At 105kg and on 9 6 and 9 9 boards ok have ridden 9 2 as well I would have thought 8 6 would have been easy at 77kg.
Rick Jackovick slays it on a 8 footer at north point cowaramup.
I think the smaller boards need to be narrow to work well like the naish 8 footer which is sub 27??? I think.
My 2 cents

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
29 Dec 2009 12:51AM
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thanks scotty

rock on

and long live the bucket

cant wait to pull up a bar stool next to you some time soon

even if you drink that yanky white can rubbish

get aussie dude and get some sugar cane up ya op style bitch

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2009 11:59PM
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hilly said...

At 105kg and on 9 6 and 9 9 boards ok have ridden 9 2 as well I would have thought 8 6 would have been easy at 77kg.
Rick Jackovick slays it on a 8 footer at north point cowaramup.
I think the smaller boards need to be narrow to work well like the naish 8 footer which is sub 27??? I think.
My 2 cents

hi,played around with the sb 7'2. you can do some amazing stuff, but the ride is pretty coarse. the dc8'8 is 29", but it's thin with a very fine tail. it the best board i've had

next board will have the widest point 3" back from centre and nose outline fairly pulled in. kind of like a no nose- looks like a shortboard. the idea is you stand farther back so hoping not to need a normal nose outline for stability, you will be in a more the surfing stance area and with the reduced nose outline, it should be able to turn quicker. fingers crossed.i not really interested in a shorter wider overall outline board, but each to their own. thats the great thing about sup now - the designs shooting up everywhere


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Trying a different nose shape...." started by Scotty Mac