Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Warning: Don't grab the leggie loop

Created by nebbian > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2015
WA, 6277 posts
15 Jul 2015 8:46PM
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If you're in the water and another wave is about to pass over you, don't consider grabbing the little loop of rope that connects the board to your leggie. As I discovered today, what happens is that the board gets ripped out of your fingers, partially degloving your fingertip in the process.

If anyone has some good ideas on what to do in this situation then I'm all ears...

WA, 3159 posts
15 Jul 2015 8:54PM
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Nebs you silly bugger, bugger I bet it looks gruesome, hope it heals fast mate

NSW, 157 posts
15 Jul 2015 11:10PM
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with pretty hands like that might be better letting go

VIC, 17517 posts
15 Jul 2015 11:36PM
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Yowzer.. Glad you didn't show it without the bandage on it..

I've seen a pic of the end of someones finger ripped right off from doing a similar thing..

Shame you didn't see that pic first because you'd never concider doing it... ever..

WA, 2226 posts
15 Jul 2015 9:55PM
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Far out Nebs that looks nasty. Sorry i didn't mention the "dont grab ur leggie" tip in ur SUP induction a few weeks back. Sometimes it better to bail (if its safe) or just bear hug the board. Heal quick mate.

27 posts
15 Jul 2015 9:57PM
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You could consider taking up windsurfing.

WA, 7608 posts
15 Jul 2015 10:27PM
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Damn Nebs. Lucky it wasn't 10'

WA, 6277 posts
15 Jul 2015 11:06PM
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Thanks guys. Yeah you really don't want to see what's underneath the bandage... I just about passed out looking at it while cleaning it up for the nurse.
When it happened the finger was numb, that's what alerted me to the problem, no real pain at all. But putting it into a bath of saline and antiseptic at the hospital woke up the nerves. Gosh that hurt.

I vaguely remember someone posting a picture a couple of years ago with a velcro handle or something they attached to the legrope loop, anyone know what I'm talking about?

VIC, 516 posts
16 Jul 2015 3:31AM
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I did a similar thing the result of which is two permanently bent fingers on my right hand. I hope yours heals soon.

5169 posts
16 Jul 2015 3:48AM
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I had a similar mishap while surfing, but not as severe.

Now, I just do not try to grab the leash! I just let the board go, and if the waves are big, I try to let myself be dragged by the leash (do not resist) so as not lessen the stress on the leash and reduce the risk of leash breakage...

5106 posts
16 Jul 2015 7:06AM
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Ouch! Bad luck ..let it loose ..grab the nose and pull it through ..
when you think about it there is alot of pull on a sup and two little fingers ain't gonna hold it .
heal up mate and get back out there .

WA, 132 posts
16 Jul 2015 9:57AM
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mmmm good luck wipen the star fish with that .

5169 posts
16 Jul 2015 2:00PM
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Tardy said..
Ouch! Bad luck ..let it loose ..grab the nose and pull it through ..

Be careful, one can dislocate his shoulder easily this way...

1566 posts
16 Jul 2015 4:10PM
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nebbian said..
Thanks guys. Yeah you really don't want to see what's underneath the bandage... I just about passed out looking at it while cleaning it up for the nurse.
When it happened the finger was numb, that's what alerted me to the problem, no real pain at all. But putting it into a bath of saline and antiseptic at the hospital woke up the nerves. Gosh that hurt.

I vaguely remember someone posting a picture a couple of years ago with a velcro handle or something they attached to the legrope loop, anyone know what I'm talking about?

Hi, I have fixed a rope on the nose of my board to hold it trough the soup, it was a 6'4" 28" SUP.; You should had first a try grabbing the loop leash on a shortie , you won't do that with a big board as SUP one
Have a quick recovery

WA, 7608 posts
16 Jul 2015 6:02PM
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I wouldn't be hanging onto your board that close anyway.
Don't worry about it Nebs. Just bail and let nature take its coarse.
You wanna be as far away from that board as possible.

13831 posts
16 Jul 2015 11:25PM
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Jesus mate that doesn't sound or look flash - all the best for your recovery hope ya get wet again soon as

QLD, 891 posts
18 Jul 2015 12:15AM
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22nd of February this year (i remember the date for a good reason) i ripped the end off my ring finger attempting to stop my 10'' laird surfer going over the falls. Needless to say i am somewhat legrope shy nowadays.
3 1/2 weeks later i was back in the water, but i wouldn't wish it on anyone. It still gives me pain. The only time it feels normal is after a good sesh.
Hands off leashes people!

VIC, 17517 posts
18 Jul 2015 12:28AM
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Anyone got a bucket..

QLD, 891 posts
18 Jul 2015 12:33AM
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DavidJohn said...
Anyone got a bucket..

Yes DJ, sometimes a bucket of beer does help.

WA, 6277 posts
17 Jul 2015 11:14PM
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Geez Brenno, yours takes the cake. I assume you did the same thing I did, stick your fingers inside the leg rope loop to control the board? Thought mine was bad.

How was the trip back to shore minus a digit? Also are you left handed?

WA, 3489 posts
17 Jul 2015 11:46PM
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Ouch nasty.

I see a lot of people feed the loop of cord through the leash plug on the board then back through itself to leave a long loop of cord, this can allow fingers to get easily caught and also in some cases (particularly on surfboards) the cord can cut cut through the rail of the board.

The loop of cord should be threaded through the leash plug then the railsaver on the legrope past through both loops of cord so that the cord is doubled and kept as short as possible, reducing the chance of catching fingers.
Fingers can also be injured from getting jammed between the railsaver (flat material) and the tail of the board, it you are going to grab the leggie/railsaver do it so your fingers are clear of the rail and make sure leggie is not wrapped around hand or fingers.

As mentioned though if the surf is big you are better off just letting the board go.

1972 posts
18 Jul 2015 2:50AM
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Make a tail handle, there are many ways to do it, most of them are discussed at the Stand Up Zone,
Use the search for several threads on it.

QLD, 891 posts
18 Jul 2015 8:31AM
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nebbian said...
Geez Brenno, yours takes the cake. I assume you did the same thing I did, stick your fingers inside the leg rope loop to control the board? Thought mine was bad.

How was the trip back to shore minus a digit? Also are you left handed?

I had recently had an expensive board fail, and was having a battle with the supplier. All i could think was "oh no, not another one". I put the inanimate object's welfare ahead of my own. Never again.
My board was coffining away from me nose down and very quickly the legrope formed a loop around the last three fingers of my left hand. As my 100kg was getting dragged (amazing how much force is generated by a 10' board standing on it's nose) through the water, the loop got tighter and tighter and when it finally slipped, if ripped the end off my finger. Just like that.
Happened really quickly and all under murky, post cyclone water, so didn't see a thing. I pulled my hand out to have a look and was obviously shocked to see the end of my finger missing. I was pretty pissed off at myself. Managed to keep hold of the paddle, laid down on the board and caught the next wave in all the way to the sand, whilst trying to attract my daughter and my mate's attention.
S*** happens mate, and really quickly too. Waves are predictably unpredictable. I wouldn't recommend hanging on to anyrhing. Not the leg rope, the cord, the rail saver or any fancy pants handles. I always surf away from the mob, and make sure there's no one behind me if i need to ditch. I'm getting a lot better at turning off a wave, and practicing self preservation. Have to. Got mouths to feed and bills to pay.

I count myself lucky. I'm right handed, and still have a job. It could have been a lot worse. No one wants a two fingered mechanic.

3 weeks after the incident, i had the stitches out, and three days after that i was back in the surf. Felt quite shaky for the first twenty minutes or so; all i could see was visions of my injury, but i pushed through it.

Last Sunday i took my daughter for her first SUP surf. She prone surfs, longboard mainly, so i threw her in at the deep end and put her on my minion. She loved it. We had a ball. Life goes on.

VIC, 5000 posts
18 Jul 2015 10:21AM
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Although I didn't injure fingers I can appreciate all comments above. I typically sup away from other surfers and boogers but on this day whilst was supping with mates last year at a local break, a couple of adult guys on boogie-boards kept putting themselves directly in front of us no matter where we moved to. This one guy took a wave that wasn't his and I saw him just in time. As I was taking the drop on a smallish (3') wave I saw that my 9'8" and I were heading straight for his head and there was no way I could avoid hitting him if I kept going.

I jumped off the back of my board behind the lip and grabbed the leggie as close to the board as possible. The result was a slingshot board to my head which resulted in 7 stitches in my temple. An inch to the left and I would have lost my eye. Not even my helmet would have saved that from happening.

As a windsurfer that has been caught in some scary predicaments - I'm more than happy to sacrifice my gear if it means no injury...unfortunately the injuries tend to happen when I put others safety before my own.

NSW, 9 posts
22 Jul 2015 10:55AM
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Brenno said..

nebbian said...
Geez Brenno, yours takes the cake. I assume you did the same thing I did, stick your fingers inside the leg rope loop to control the board? Thought mine was bad.

How was the trip back to shore minus a digit? Also are you left handed?

I had recently had an expensive board fail, and was having a battle with the supplier. All i could think was "oh no, not another one". I put the inanimate object's welfare ahead of my own. Never again.
My board was coffining away from me nose down and very quickly the legrope formed a loop around the last three fingers of my left hand. As my 100kg was getting dragged (amazing how much force is generated by a 10' board standing on it's nose) through the water, the loop got tighter and tighter and when it finally slipped, if ripped the end off my finger. Just like that.
Happened really quickly and all under murky, post cyclone water, so didn't see a thing. I pulled my hand out to have a look and was obviously shocked to see the end of my finger missing. I was pretty pissed off at myself. Managed to keep hold of the paddle, laid down on the board and caught the next wave in all the way to the sand, whilst trying to attract my daughter and my mate's attention.
S*** happens mate, and really quickly too. Waves are predictably unpredictable. I wouldn't recommend hanging on to anyrhing. Not the leg rope, the cord, the rail saver or any fancy pants handles. I always surf away from the mob, and make sure there's no one behind me if i need to ditch. I'm getting a lot better at turning off a wave, and practicing self preservation. Have to. Got mouths to feed and bills to pay.

I count myself lucky. I'm right handed, and still have a job. It could have been a lot worse. No one wants a two fingered mechanic.

3 weeks after the incident, i had the stitches out, and three days after that i was back in the surf. Felt quite shaky for the first twenty minutes or so; all i could see was visions of my injury, but i pushed through it.

Last Sunday i took my daughter for her first SUP surf. She prone surfs, longboard mainly, so i threw her in at the deep end and put her on my minion. She loved it. We had a ball. Life goes on.

Yep,Been there done that, although I still have my finger Brenno!Got unlucky at the alley earlier in the year, similar story

Didn't catch a wave all the way to shore, bailed off it, got caught between a few larger sets, large volume board, had a fellow surfer/supper behind me, so held on the the legrope right near the plug, got wrapped around my pointing finger a few times, wave took the board, board took the cord, cored took the finger!More painful was the Velcro ripping my surrounding skin off!Lesson learnt, NEVER GRAB ON, try your best to put yourself in a position that gives generous clearance to others as well as yourself, and I have since purchased a lighter board :)Hand is all good now, had it wrapped like this for 5-6 weeks....

TAS, 6 posts
23 Jul 2015 12:41AM
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Great advice. Thankyou.
No touchadalegaropa!!!

WA, 6277 posts
12 Aug 2015 1:55PM
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Had my first surf this morning after the accident. Finger is watertight with new skin, but doesn't fully open (or close). Feels like scar tissue all around where the rope cut through which you'd expect. Hopefully it continues healing!

Anyway that surf today was magic! Couple of really good rides, had at least half a dozen dolphins come up and check out the lineup, good conversations with a couple of shortboarders, great vibes in the water. Stoked to be back on board

8 posts
12 Aug 2015 2:35PM
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Amazingly common injury. I have no idea if this was a fin or a leash.

NSW, 35 posts
12 Aug 2015 9:37PM
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Im really happy i had a read of this one. Lucky i was out in only 1-2ft today and grabed the velcro to hold onto the board while standing up. Thought it hurt now ill never go near it especially in some swell. No offence i dont want to join the club poor blokes

27 posts
12 Aug 2015 10:14PM
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Gross! I'm not even going to pull out the bath plug by the chord any more.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Aug 2015 10:23AM
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Obviously you have to be able to safely grab your leg rope

Your leg rope is attached to your board via a small piece of rope / cord, that is supplied and or is a single loop and or stitched to the leg rope rail saver which is the webbing


i see so many leg ropes attached incorrectly at a shop level and it astounds me people really dont know how to do this , i am constantly re attach them for people down the beach

The idea is to tie this rope / cord as short as possible

The first reason is if the loop of cord is long it can act like a knife to butter impacting the rails slicing and crushing them when under tension from a fall

The webbing is designed to distribute the apparent pressure over and around the rail on a fall

Grabbing this webbing is an essential tool for you to use for controlling your board from getting away from you / best done when the board is upside down and no large loop to potentially get your fingers caught in


Do not attach your your rope / cord around the the leg rope plug bar with a single loop slipknot you often also expose a large loop and knot on the side, this knot will also impact your rail causing damage hand fingers board.


The slip knot is ok as long as you can make it shot enough to attach legrope / which is often not the case and your knot is not exposed.

Best practice is to use the double loop , where you simply push the rope through / under plug bar / you now have 2 loops , put velcro webbing through both loops, put knot under velcro and webbing. again some tweaks with loop size prior to are required to minimise the length of the rope / cord length to get it as short as possible

Also check this rope regularly for wear and tear stretch they are to easy and cheap to replace. When it does snap it wont be a sore finger it will be a bloody long swim

Ps ill would post a couple of photos ............but im SUPen in remote location


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Warning: Don't grab the leggie loop" started by nebbian