The Sunset Beach Pro, set to run later in the week, is jam-packed with Aussie talent!
Good luck to all the boys in the main draw - haven't seen a trials draw yet but if there's any more Aussies in that, wishing them luck too.
Trials are on now!
No Aussies in the trials - but awesome to see a couple of young girls having a crack at the men's event.
Current women's World Champ, Izzi Gomez and Fiona Wylde both getting through round 1 in solid conditions where some of the guys haven't even managed a scoring ride.
Yeww! Go girls!
Izzy RoCkS!!! Coolest 14 year old I know! SoOOO much talent!!! Not to mention to give some love to my brah! Get'm Gomez's!!!!