What is the best beer for a lockdown ?
It may happen folks, so let's start considering the marketplace and sharing some info.
Lately my on again, off again IPA interest has pulled up to a complete stop, too fruity and the high alcohol content was becoming concerning.
Last weekend I treated the Beer fridge to a second round of made in Italy Peroni Red. Slab price was $49
I found this beer a bit too 'Malty' a few beers in , one of my friends defined the taste as 'rich'.
Strange as I was really enjoying this beer the weekend before and thought I had stumbled across a great beer with a slightly different taste.
Next purchase will probably be back in what one of my buddy's calls 'Rusty nail' beer, ie Melbourne Bitter, VB etc. or Guiness.
Coopers pale ale best allround. Might try a home brew kit if sent home from work. Are they still available? Good way to spend some time.
Hard to go past a good Oz Lager, not a lager made by a craft beer company but a true lager.
In a handle or proper tall beer glass it's hard to beat especially if your lock down plan includes cooking a 10 hour brisket, ribs or a side of lamb as you will need to sink a few whilst keeping an eye on it
low carb ...so ya don't get fat sitting on your arse ...and can still drink it ...Hahn extra dry .or super dry
Red cans for sure over here in WA. Melbourne bitter king browns for a virtual interstate experience could be a welcome change.
Here in France, the post office is now closed, as they devote all their remaining workforce to only handling medical supplies.
So the best beers are your local breweries, that can still come deliver their beers to you (or rather drop at your gate :-).
Dry patch. I have a few bottles of wine. Beer was not on my essentials shopping list. Good time to stay healthy and keep that little bit of money. Who knows what's going to happen in the coming months.
Yes I'm regretting it already! Sure it's right in the long run.
I'm thinking drinking higher alcohol content by volume might be best to help keep virus away, rum and ginger beer? Well it says beer don't it
Home drew all the way.
35 L in my kegs and 3 x 18 L in supplies. I might not have dunny paper but I shouldn't run out of beer and I don't need to leave home.
Melbourne newspaper front page this morning.